A505 |
A band from Co. Tyrone who released one EP in 2008 |
A Band Called Wanda |
A folk-rock band from Galway formed in 2004 |
A Careless Thief |
Young band from Blanchardstown pre-dating Last Second Magic |
A Clockwork Orange |
A Cow In The Water |
A Dark Horse |
A Distant Sun |
A Further Room |
A Dublin new wave band featuring ex-members of Alternatives |
A Futurist Theatre |
A Lazarus Soul |
A Little Bitter |
A Plastic Rose |
A Robot Me |
A side project by members of Boa Morte and Justin O'Mahony from Fred |
A Terre |
A Touch Of Oliver |
Late 1980s / early 1990s rock band from Limerick - fronted by Diarmuid O'Sullivan |
A=Apple |
Abam |
Abbadon Incarnate |
Abbatoir |
Abbots, The |
Abduct |
Abhor |
Abinitzio |
Able Archer |
Dublin rock band formed from the ashes of The Resistance |
Ablespacer |
Abnormal, The |
Above The Thunderclouds |
Absent Method |
Absolute Zero |
Academic, The |
Indie-rock band from Co. Westmeath. Formed in 2013 |
Acadian |
Aces Wild |
Achilles |
Acidtone |
Acidtone |
Acme Music |
Acoustra |
Acquiesce |
Acrid Nebula |
Acrobats Of Desire |
Roscommon-based rock band active during 1990s. Duke Brothers later in The
Parade |
Acrojunk |
action | pause | reaction |
Acton Bell |
Ex-Crumb, & The Sewing Room man steps out from behind the drum kit. |
Adam Clayton & Larry Mullen Jr. |
Once off recording project from U2's rhythm section |
Addiction, The |
Adebisi Shank |
Adela & The Meanits |
Adolf Grunt |
Adriane |
Adult Rock |
An electronic music project of Gavin Elsted [Super Extra Bonus Party] |
Adventures, The [1] |
Belfast band formed out of The Starjets |
Adventures, The [2] |
Dublin-based band formed from Pedestrian. |
Adventures In Audio |
Aesop |
Afghan Trucks |
Afro Celt Sound System |
After Dark |
After The Party |
Afterglow |
Afterlife |
Aftermath [1] |
Aftermath [2] |
Aftermath [3] |
Aftermyth |
Afternoons, The |
Against The Grain |
Against The Storm |
Agitate The Gravel |
Cork-based indie band, active between 2009 - 2012 |
Agitated Radio Pilot |
Agiven |
Roscommon / Mayo band active during the 2000s |
Agnew, Stewart |
A-House |
Ahriman |
Aidan |
Aiken Drum |
Ain |
Air Traffic |
Aisling Quinn & The Halliday Squares |
Aj Suzuki |
AKA47 |
Ako |
Al Capone Suite |
Alan Can't |
Alan MX |
Alanalda |
Alanna |
Alarmist |
Alba Patera |
Albatross |
Albert Penguin |
Albrecht's Pencil |
Alcopop |
Aleisha |
Aleko |
Alex Clarke Quartet |
Late 1960s jazz band featuring a youthful Roger Doyle. |
Ali & The DTs |
Alias Empire |
Alias Glee |
Alice Minor |
Late 1990s rock band |
Alien8ed |
Alien Band, The |
Alien Envoy |
Alienated |
Alistair |
All Cats Are Grey |
An early 80s Tuam band managed by Leo Moran [The Saw Doctors] |
All Charges Dropped |
All Rights Reserved |
All Tvvins |
An 80s-influenced indie-pop band featuring ex-members of The Cast Of Cheers
& Adebisi Shank |
Allen, Ciara |
Allen, Paul |
Alleycats, The |
Allies, The |
Alligator |
Alligators, The |
Allotropes |
Alloy Mental |
Alloyd |
Allstar Charge |
Almos Funk Band, The |
Almost Ghosts |
Electronic indie-rock band from North County Dublin |
Almost Useful |
Alo-Nost |
Alpha Cae |
Alpha Incident, The |
Alpha Squared |
Alphamono |
Alphasatori |
Alphastates |
Alsatians |
Altan |
Alterosa |
Indie band from Cork. Fronted by Jenny Judge and featuring ex-members of
PlaytŘh |
Altogether Morris |
Alumni Feedback |
Aluskas, The |
Alvy Singer Effect, The |
Amagoi |
Amaranth |
Amasis |
Amateur Historians |
Indie guitar band fro Belfast. Active circa 2011 - 2013 |
Amazing Few, The |
Amazing Pilots |
Amber Moon |
Amberline |
Ambertones, The |
Ambience Affair, The |
Ambition, The |
Ambulance |
Americhord |
Amethyst |
Amnesiacs |
Amoeba |
Amoebazoid |
Among Others |
AmonullonomA |
Amoruza |
Amplification |
Amuse |
Amusement |
Amy |
Amygdala |
An Emotional Fish |
An Hermetic Collective |
Ana Gog |
Anacrusis |
Analogue Mindfield |
Anam |
Anarchy 99 |
Anathema |
Anatomy |
Ancient People |
And So I Watch You From Afar |
Andalusia |
Anderson |
1960s/70s-influenced singer-song-writer from Finglas [ex-The Rags] |
Androids |
Aneurysm |
Angels Of Mons |
Angel Pier |
AngelFall |
Angelic Toenails |
Angelic Upstarts |
Angkorwat |
Classically trained electronic artist, Niamh Corcoran |
Angle, Paul |
Anima |
Ann Courtney & The Late Bloomers |
Annacrusis |
Annapurna |
Annas Chamber |
Annulments, The |
Anodyne |
Anomie |
Anór |
Anór was a late-1990s folk/trad band based in Cork |
Anorak Adventure, The |
Another Photograph |
Answer, The |
Anthony, Carol |
Anthropomorphic |
Anti-Hero |
Antimatter |
Anti-Sam |
Anto |
Anuna |
Any Crowded Ceiling |
Any Given Day |
Anybodies, The |
Anything Goes |
Sligo-based events band featuring ex-members of Those Nervous Animals |
Aortal |
Apartment |
Apartment 44 |
Apartment B |
Apathetic Youth |
Apathy |
Apogee |
Apollo Creed |
Apollos Thebe |
Apostles |
Band featuring Jill Daly [pre-Terrordactyl and Night Trap] |
Appian Way |
Short-lived rock-pop band from Westmeath / Roscommon. |
Apples In Winter |
April South |
Aqua Bucket |
Aranos |
Arcada |
Arcades, The |
Arcane Asylum |
Arcane Sun |
Arch Enemies |
Arch Stanton |
Archer, Iain |
Archive |
Arcs Of Triumph |
Ard Ri |
Ardiff |
Dublin | Roscommon band which pre-dates Come On Live Long |
Ardiff, Robert |
Dublin based singer and member of Come On Live Long |
Argento |
Ark |
Arkham |
Arkhangelsk |
Arkitekt |
Arm The Elderly |
Armatage Shanks |
Armoured Bear |
Arms That Fit Like Legs |
Armstrong, Valerie |
Army Of ID |
Arnold, Samuel |
Arrangements, The |
Arrow In The Sky |
Article For |
Artificial Flight |
Artificial Memory Trace |
Arveene And Misk |
Ascension |
Asciinoid |
Musical project of Liam Dunne [Lmd64] |
Asgard |
Ash |
Asha |
Ashanti |
Ashes Left |
Ashford, Paul |
Ashley Sheehan & The Mute |
Ask Mother |
Aslan |
Assassin |
Assassinate The Itch |
Assassins |
Cork indie supergroup formed to celebrate Freakscene's 15th birthday party |
Assembley |
Assembley, The |
Assumed ... Dead |
Asterix |
Asteroids, The |
Asylum |
At Gunpoint |
At Last An Atlas |
At The Window |
Atlantean |
Atomic Pulse |
Atomium |
Atonal |
Atrax Mantis |
Atrix, The |
Atrophy |
Early 2000s Limerick-based rock band. |
Atrophy |
Audio Avenger |
Audio Fiction |
Audio Illusion |
Audio Prozak |
Audiokiss |
Audium |
Aurel |
Aureole |
Aureus |
Aurora, The |
Autamata |
Author Of History |
Auto Da Fe |
Autobahn |
Autoban |
Autobop |
Automatic Tasty |
Autonomous I |
AutoRun |
Autre Monde |
Indie supergroup formed by members of the Popical Island Collective |
Autumn Owls |
AV8 |
Avalanche Ammo |
Avarice, The |
Awake Young Soldiers |
Azgard |
Azrielle |
Azure Days |
Azwel |