Babelfish |
Babikjan, Sheila |
Baby Flesh Brain |
Baby Sex Priest |
Baby Snakes |
Babybeef |
Babylon By Bus |
Babylon The Bride |
Baby's Big Ego |
Babyshakur |
Bacchus |
Back Alley |
Back Lane Band, The |
Back Lane Boys, The |
Backfire |
Backhanders |
Backwards Into Paradise |
Backwash |
Backwater |
Bad Boat |
Bad Karma Beckons |
Bad Mother's Union |
Badger |
Badself |
Post-Future Kings Of Spain punk-rock effort. |
Bagatelle |
Bailer |
Baitano |
Baker, Don |
From Whitehall in Dublin, Don has been the godfather of Irish blues rock
for four decades |
Balducci Lift, The |
Ballantine, David |
Bam Bam & The Calling |
Bambi |
Banana Butt |
Band Of Red Cloud |
Band On An Island |
Band Zephyr |
Banda Zingara |
Banditz |
Bandog |
Bandwagon |
Bang Bros |
Banjo Cannibals |
Bank Robbers |
Banned, The |
Bantu Bottle Company |
Bantum |
Choice Music Prize-nominated electronica artist from Cork |
Bar Flys, The |
Barbarellas |
Barberskum |
Barnes, Clive |
Barney |
Barrett, John |
Barrett, Pat |
Barricades, The |
Barrowside |
Basement, The |
Basic |
Bass Odyssey |
Bass, Sarah |
Bastard Rain, The |
Bastard Sons Of Boris Karloff |
Bates Band, The |
Bates, Enda |
Bats In The Belfry |
Bawl |
Baxter, David |
Be Curious Kid |
Dublin-based post-rock band linked to Fontaines |
Beach |
Bearded Ladies, The/A> |
Bears, The |
Beash |
Beat Poets, The |
BeatClub |
Beatoffs, The |
Beatroot |
Beautiful Losers, The |
Beautiful Unit |
Bebop & Rocksteady [1] |
Bebop & Rocksteady [2] |
Beckett |
Bedbugs |
Bedhangers |
Beekeeper Summit, The |
Beethoven |
Post Five Go Down To The Sea project from Finbarr Donnelly and Ricky Dineen |
Beezle |
BeezwaX |
Before Machines |
Beggan, Raymond |
Behan, Jimmy |
Believers, The |
Short-lived, post Light A Big Fire project. Ken O'Duffy later of Saville
fame. |
Belinus |
Bell & Wade |
Bell X1 |
BellaJane |
Bellefire |
Belljar |
Bellweather State |
Belsen |
Belsonic Sound |
Ben Reel Band |
Bengie |
Bennett -vs- Matrix |
Benny Smiles |
Benny's Head |
Bent Fairy & The Punks |
Bent Over Back Words |
Bentsonic |
Benzine Headset |
Beoga |
Bereaved |
Beresque |
Bergin, Patrick |
Berkeley |
Berlin |
Berries Blue |
Berries, The |
Berserk |
Best Before End |
Beta 2 |
Betamax Format |
Betes Noires, The |
Better Than Ed |
Betty Blue |
Bevel Jenny |
Beverens Toy |
Bexleys, The |
Beyond Neon |
BiaZarre |
Bickley, David |
Big |
Big Bag Of Sticks |
Big Generator |
Big Geraniums, The |
Big Girls Band, The |
Big Jack Davies |
Big Monster Love |
Big Noise |
Big Picture |
Big Red Dawn |
Big Self |
Big Sleep |
Big Wig |
Biggles Flys Again |
Bijou |
Bilbo |
Binaries |
Solo musical project of Niamh Hegarty (previously of HUNK!) |
Binary Operator |
Biobaby |
Bionic |
Bionic Rats, The |
Bipolar Empire |
Bird |
Bird On Wire |
Birds And Ghosts |
Birds Of Olympus |
Psych/Electronica band fronted by former Hybrasil man 'Spud' Murphy |
Birdthistle |
Biscuits, The |
Bishops Love Sci-Fi |
Bitches With Wolves |
Bitchman |
Black 47 |
Black Alley Screens, The |
Black Bear Saloon, The |
Black Belt Jones |
Black Box Regrets |
Black Cat Bone |
Black Catholics |
Black, Clarence |
Black Daisy |
Black Diamond Doubles, The |
Black, Frances |
Black Freeway |
Black, Keiron |
Black Lines |
Black Market Education |
Black, Martin |
Black, Mary |
Black, Marya |
Black Math |
Black, Michael |
Black Muse Element |
Black Pearl Mafia |
Black River Affair |
Black Robots |
Black, Shay |
Black Shots, The |
Black Sookie |
Black Soul Strangers |
Black Stylus |
Black Supremos, The |
Black Swan Fallacy |
Black Tokens, The |
Black Velvet Band, The |
Blackdog |
Blackdotsociety |
Blackguardsmile |
Blackout |
Blackwych |
Blades, The |
Blaise, Tara |
Blake And Conjor |
Blake, Perry |
Blank |
Blasta |
Blastcage |
Blasterbra |
Blaze X |
Bleedin' Bleedins, The |
A rock band formed by Irishman, Barry Kelly, in Boston. Active mid to late
2000s |
Bleeding Rectum |
Bleeding Saints |
Blessed Darkness |
Blew |
Blind Eye View |
Blind Friday |
Blind Pilots |
Blindcyte |
Blinder |
Blindies, The |
Blind-Summit |
Blink |
Blizzards, The |
Blonde Majority, The |
Blood Or Whiskey |
Blood Red Dolls, The |
Bloodline |
Bloodstones, The |
Bloody Jellies, The |
Bloom |
Blotooth |
Blowing Up The World |
Blue Angels |
Blue Dolphins |
Blue Ghost |
Blue In Heaven |
Blue In The Face |
Blue Jar |
Blue Line Paradox |
Blue Meanies, The |
Blue Monday |
Blue Moose |
Blue Poles, The |
Blue Powder Monkeys |
Blue Russia |
Blue Star Kachina |
Blue Steam |
Blue, Suzanne |
Blue Syndrome |
Bluechild, Susan |
Blueprint |
Bluescreen |
Blueshouse |
BluJack |
Blunt |
B-Movie Lightning |
Bo Bo Stumm |
Bo Jangled |
Late 2000s/early 2010s group fronted by Steven Clifford |
Boa |
Boa Morte |
Boat People |
Early 1980s band based in Cork. Pre-dates No Sangoma |
Boathouse |
Bocs Social |
Bogey Boys, The |
Bogmen, The |
Bohinta |
Bombjack |
Bonass, Claire |
Bone Idol |
Bone Machine |
Bonnevilles, The |
Bono |
Boo Bees, The |
Booger |
Booley |
Booley House |
Booth, Joy |
Singer-songwriter from Navan, Co. Meath |
Boomtown Rats, The |
Booster |
Bootleg Bootboys, The |
Born A Goth |
Musical project featuring Jill Daly [pre-Terrordactyl and Night Trap] |
Borrowman, John |
Boss Volenti |
Bothy Band, The |
Bottom Floor Band, The |
Bouquet Of Blue Roses |
Bourke, Kyron |
Bouts |
Bow, Hilary |
Bowes, Jonathan |
Bowlegged |
Bowsie |
Box |
Box Camera |
Box Social |
Boxcutter |
Boxes |
Boxtie Band, The |
Boy Lights Fire |
Boy Turns Hero |
Boy Versus Romeo |
BoyFights |
Boyle, Alan |
Boyle, Eoin |
Boyle, Niall |
Boys In The Band |
Boys Of Summer |
Bracken, Allison & Antoin |
Brad Pitt Light Orchestra |
Bradfield, Marian |
Brady, Glen |
Brady, Owen |
Brady, Paul |
Brainchild |
Braine, John |
Brand, The |
Brando |
Bravado |
Bravest Kid In School |
Bray Vista |
Brazen Lungs |
Breag |
Breakaway |
Breakdown |
Post-punk band from Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow which pre-dates Kidd Blunt |
Breaking Light |
Breaks, The |
Very young Cork band which pre-dates The Careers |
Breen, Ross |
Breeze Junkies |
Brennan, Bridin |
Brennan, Labhaoise |
Brennan, Maire |
Brennan, Michelle |
Brennan, Wayne |
Bressie |
Solo project of Niall Breslin, former front man of The Blizzards |
Brian |
Brian Cullen's Love Bullets |
Brian O'Reilly & The Loudest Whisper |
BriBry Is Sky High |
Brickley, Morgan |
Bridge Mile 7 |
Bridges Of Madison County, The |
Noise-rock band from Dublin featuring ex-members of Sylvan and Hooray For
Humans |
Bright Light Fiasco |
Brilliant Things, The |
Brilliant Trees |
Briquette, Pete |
Brittle |
Broad Sword |
Brock, Síomha |
Brooder |
Punk-rock band from Waterford - active 1994 - 2004 |
Brosnan, Eugene |
Brothers Movement, The |
Brothers, The |
Browne, Aisling |
Browne, Chiara |
Browne, Dave |
Browne, Laura |
Brunell, Carla |
Bryden, Nell |
Bubba And Scoper |
Buckhust Files, The |
Buckle |
Buckley, Annette |
Buckley, Richie |
Buckley, Tony |
Budge |
Short-lived band featuring future members of Capratone and The Dudley Corporation |
Buds, The |
Buffalo G |
Building Pictures |
Buile |
Bulbs, The |
1990s Cork band, fronted by Owen O'Brien, with links to Sonic Icons |
Bullit |
Bumble |
Bumblebees |
Bungalow |
Bunny |
Burke, David |
Burke, Jamie |
Burma Shade |
Burning Boy |
Burning Codes |
Burning Effigies, The |
Burning Embers |
Burning Love Jumpsuit |
Burning Pig |
Burns, Ursula |
Burukura Okesutora |
Bus Pigs, The |
Bushplant |
Business, The |
1980s bluesrock band featuring a youthful Don Baker |
Busty Duck |
Butler, Peter |
Butterfly Explosion |
Butterly, Maria |
B*Witched |
Byrne, Ciaran |
Byrne, Conor |
Byrne, Darren |
Byrne, Maria |
Byrne, Neal |
Byrne, Patrick |
Byrne, Peter |