L |
La Rocca |
Label |
Ladydoll |
Lafaro |
Lakker |
Lambert, Dermot |
Lamentations |
Laminate |
Lamph |
Lamps, The |
Land Lovers |
Langs, The |
Language Of Flowers |
LAPd |
Large Mound |
Larry Mullen & Adam Clayton |
Las Vegas Basement |
LaserBoy, The |
Lasss |
Last Bandits In The World |
Last Buskers |
Last Crash |
Last Days Of 1984 |
Last Gasp |
Last Giants |
Last Orders |
Last Post |
Last Remaining Lights, The |
Last Second Magic |
Last Sound, The |
Last Tycoons, The |
Last Word Spoken |
Laster, Luc |
Late Train |
Laundry Shop, The |
Laura Fischer Band |
Laurie Leech And The Words |
Lavelle, Kal |
Lawless, John |
Lawnmowers, The |
Lawrence, Jane |
Lazik |
An Irish-Gypsy-Balkan fusion group based in Cork |
Lazy |
Lazyboy |
Lazybug |
Le Boom |
Electro-pop band from Navan, Co. Meath |
Le Scene, The |
Leaders Of Men |
Leaflog |
League Of Decency |
Leaning Jesus |
Lebanon Death Train |
A musical project featuring Jill Daly [pre-Terrordactyl and Night Trap] |
Led Farmers, The |
A folk-fusion band based n Dublin |
Lee, Tara |
Leeches, The |
Leftbank |
Leg |
Legendary J. O'Connell, The |
Legion Of Ape |
Legion Of Two |
Leman |
Lemon Grass |
LeMoNaDa |
Lenehan, Ciáran |
Lennon, Colm |
Lennon Family Project |
Lennon, Jinx |
Lenny And The Lawbreakers |
Leonard, Ronan |
Leonids |
Lerner |
Les Bien |
Les Enfants |
Lesshelp |
Let's Get Lost |
New funk-rock project from former members of Jubilee Allstars, Dinah Brand
and more |
Let's Set Sail |
Indie-folk band from Dublin. Linked to Ana Gog |
Letter From Belgium |
Ambient-Electronic side project of Alan Healy [Hooray For Humans] |
Leya |
Licewoman |
Lids, The |
Lidsville |
Lie Ins |
Lieselle |
Life After Modelling |
Life Without Rory |
Lift |
A Cork-based group playing guitar and synth-driven instrumental music |
Light |
Light A Big Fire |
Lights |
Like Kings |
Likes, The |
Like There's No Tomorrow |
Band featuring ex-Large Mound man, Anthony Mackey |
Lima |
Lindfors, Jenny |
Lines Drawing Circles |
Linus Scheme, The |
Lip |
Liquid Graveyard |
Liquid Wheel |
Lir |
Listener, The |
Listo |
Little Alex |
Little Bear |
Alternative rock band from Derry. Now known as Ports |
Little Beirut |
Little Creatures |
Little Drummer Boy |
Little Fish, The |
Late 80s / early 90's rock-pop band from Galway |
Little Green Cars |
Little Hooks |
Little Jesus |
Little Nightmare |
Little Palace |
Little Red |
Little Sister Sage |
Little Smoke, The |
Little X's For Eyes |
Liz Is Evil |
LK, The |
Lluther |
Lmd64 |
Electronica/House project fronted by Liam Dunne |
LMNO Pelican |
Loaded Whispers, The |
Loah |
Rising star of Irish and Sierra Leonean heritage |
Lofires, The |
Band co-fronted by Niall Toner Jr. [ex-The Dixons] and Johnny Rowen [ex-Pelvis] |
Logan, Johnny |
Logic |
Logikparty |
Lohan, Sinead |
Loko Parentis |
Lokomotiv |
Lols, The |
Lone Tiders |
Loner Deluxe |
Long, David |
Long Knives, The |
Long, Vyvienne |
Longtails |
Look, The |
Lookalikes, The |
Looks, The |
Loon |
Looper |
Loophole |
Lord Altamonr |
Lord John White |
Lorenzos, The |
Loretta |
Los Cabras |
Los Langeros |
Lost |
Lost Brothers, The |
Lost Chord |
Lost Clocks, The |
Lost Garden |
Lost In Flight |
Lost In Space |
Lost Poets |
Lost Steps, The |
Lotion, The |
Cork-based alternative rock band. |
Lotus Crown |
Lotus Lullaby |
Loudermilk |
London-based alt-country band which later became The Temperance Union |
Loudest Whisper |
Love Band, The |
Low Babies |
Low Network, The |
Low, The |
Lowe, Boyd |
Lowend |
Lower Pool, The |
Lowly Knights, The |
LOWmountain |
Loyko And Darlene |
Luan |
The early stage name of Luan Parle |
Luc And The Platelets |
Lucas |
Lucky Bones |
Lucky Numbers |
Ludlow |
Luggage |
Mid-1990s indie rock band with linkages to Into Paradise amongst others |
Lugosi |
Luka Bloom |
Lullabees, The |
Lumière [1] |
Lumière [2] |
Lunasa |
Lunatic Fringe |
Lunny, Cora Venus |
Lunny, Donal |
Lunny, Oisin |
Lunytunes |
Lurch |
A short-lived death metal band featuring members of Drainland & The
Bridges of Madison County |
Luv Bug |
Luxury |
Lynan, Ray |
Lynch, Colm |
Lynch, Michael |
Lynch Mob, The |
Lynch, Sarah |
Lynchburg Mob, The |
Lynott, Phil |
Lyons, Mike |
Lyra |
London-based Cork singer |
Lyttle, David |