D1 |
D11 Runners |
D:Ream |
D.A Band |
D. Joy |
D.M. Sole |
Da Capo |
Da Paramedics |
Dacianos |
Daddy Cool & The Lollipops |
Dae Kim |
Daemien Frost |
Dagda, The |
Dagger Lees, The |
Dahlia |
Daithí |
Daithi Rua |
Dakota 66 |
Dakota Floyd |
Dali |
D'Alton, Philip |
Daly, Shonagh |
Damn Fine Coffee |
All-girl punk-pop band from Derry. Pre dates Wonder Villains |
Damn You Peter Pan |
Damoikea |
Electronica artist from Waterford. Also known as IKEABoy |
Damsel |
Breezy pop music from The Careers front man, Luke O'Neill |
Dan Eggs |
Dancepig |
Dancing Bastards From Hell |
Cork band featuring ex-members of Cypress, Mine! and The Belsonic Sound |
Dandelion |
DAngelus |
Danger Is, The |
Dangerfields, The |
Danu |
Daphne In The Attic |
Dara |
D'Arcy, John |
Dark Horses |
Dark Room Notes |
Dark Room Notion |
Dark, The |
Darkest Era |
Das Boot |
Das Madman |
Datadrip |
Date Rippers, The |
Dave & The Be Bops |
Dave id Busaras |
Dave's Radio |
Davey, Cathy |
David, Alison |
David Depraved |
David Hope & The Henchmen |
Davis, Fergal |
Davis, Liz |
Davis, Tony |
Dawn Benefits |
Daytime Treason |
Daze, The |
Dazzberries, The |
A pre-Something Happens 4-piece |
DC Nien |
DC Pakt |
DC Tempest |
De Barra, Declan |
De Barra, Niamh |
De Burgh, Chris |
De Cogain, Mairtin |
De Confidence |
De Dannan |
De Paor, Louis |
Deacy |
Dead Flags, The |
Dead Flowers |
Dead FM |
Dead Metaphors |
Dead Plants |
Dead Red Light |
Dead School |
Dead 'Til Friday |
Deadbeats, The |
Deadend Sluts |
Deadlights |
Deadly Engines, The |
Deadman's Flats |
Deady, Brian |
Deady, Christine |
Deaf Actor |
Deaf Animal Orchestra |
Deaf Joe |
Deans, The |
Deasy |
Death By Milkfloat |
Debonaires, The |
Debt |
Decadence |
Decal |
Decato Decato |
Decoy-X |
Deep South |
Deer Park |
London-based indie-folk band featuring Dubliner Mark Grassick and Corkman
Ian Olney |
Deering, Jill |
Deetrich |
Defects |
Defenders |
Deiseal |
Deja Vu |
Delawares, The |
Delmar |
Delorean |
Delorean Suite |
Delorentos |
Deloris |
Demise |
Demise, The |
Dempsey, Damien |
Denis & The Dinmakers |
Denizens Of Ilk, The |
Departure, The |
Deportees, The |
Depravations, The |
Dermostat |
Deputy Fuzz |
Late 1990s/early 2000s lo-fi band from Dublin |
Dervish |
Desert Chi-Masters, The |
Desert Hearts |
Deshonos |
Details, The |
Detonate |
Detonators |
Devane, Ed |
Devereux, Matthew |
Devine, Aengus |
Devine, Derrick |
Devlin |
Devlin, Colin |
Devlins, The |
DeXtra |
Diesel Heart |
Dignam & Goff |
Dignam, Christy |
Dignam, Mark |
Dillon, Cara |
Dillon, Ruth |
Dimorphodon |
Dinah Brand |
Dinan, Sabrina |
Dingle White Females |
Dinosaur Petshop |
Director |
Dirt Blue Gene |
Dirty 9s, The |
Dirty Animals |
Dirty Blues Band, The |
Dirty Epics |
Dirty Fingers |
Dirty Stevie |
Dirty Stylus |
Dirty Tricks |
Dirty Valentines, The |
Dirty Work |
Disconnect 4 |
Discord [1] |
Discord [2] |
Disenchanted, The |
Disert Tola |
Disko Traitor |
Disobey |
Disraeli Gears |
Dissent |
Distractions, The |
Distractors |
Ditch |
Ditch Cassidy & The News |
Divebomb |
Divine Comedy, The |
Dixons, The |
DJ Flip |
DJ Solyce |
DJ Wool |
DJs Dexter And Stewart |
DK7 |
Swedish-based duo featuring Mark O'Sullivan [ex-No Sangoma and The Caroline
Shout] |
Dodgy Stereo |
Doesn't Matter |
Dog Day |
Guitar rock/pop band featuring members of Pet Lamb, Joan Of Arse &
Dinah Brand |
Dog Enthusiasts |
Dogabone |
Dogmatic Element |
Post-punk band from Bangor, Co. Down |
Dogs |
Doherty, Finbarr |
Doherty, Kevin |
Doherty, Jessica |
Acoustic folk artist from Derry |
Doherty, Liz |
Dolan, Joe |
Dolbro Dan |
Dollar$hort |
Dolldrums, The |
Indie band frim Navan, pre-dating Red Queen Contest |
Dominus |
Donaghans, The |
Donaghy, Mike |
Donaghy, Siobhan |
Donna Marie |
Donnelly, Ciara |
R&B/Soul singer formerly performing as Yellowbridge |
Donnelly, Dana |
Donnelly, Susie |
Donnybrook Garage |
Donoghue, Dave |
Donohue, David |
Dublin-based, electronic artist. |
Don't Eat Your Money |
Doran, Paul |
Doran, Peter |
Dorian Mood |
Doris |
Dormiphonics |
Dorothy Parker |
Dot Creek |
Dots |
Dott |
Double F |
Double Vision |
Doubled |
Doubt, The |
Douglas, Denise |
Dove |
Dowdall, Leslie |
Downes, Stee |
Downey, Roma |
Doyle, Kevin |
Doyle, Matthew |
Doyle, Roger |
Doyle, Thomas |
Doyle-Kennedy, Maria |
Dr. Millar |
Dr. Turtle |
Dragonfly |
Drainland |
Draiocht |
Drat |
Drea |
Dreads, The |
Dreamchild |
Dreamgirlz |
Dreams Of 4 |
Dreams, The |
Drebin |
Drew, Ronnie |
Driftwood Manor, The |
Drive, The |
Driven, The |
Driver |
Driveshaft |
Driving By Night |
Droid 'N' Slug |
DropOut |
Drowning Kristiania |
Drumming Room |
Drunk On Spunk |
Drunken Boat |
Drunken Jury |
Dry County |
D-Side |
Dublin Duck Dispensary |
Dublin Gospel Choir |
Dublin Laptop Orchestra |
Experimental electronic music performance group |
Dubliners, The |
Duckworth Lewis Method, The |
Dudley Corporation, The |
Dudley Runways |
Duffy, Grainne |
Duffy, Steve |
Duhan, Johnny |
Duke Special |
Dukes, The |
Dumbellz, The |
DumbPuppet |
Dump The Dummy |
Dunk |
Dunlop, Gareth |
Dunne, Emer |
Dunne, Gary |
Dunne, Liam |
Electronica and ambient artist - formerly Lmd64 |
Dunne, Pia |
Duped |
During Stone Down |
Dustin |
Dutch Schultz |
Duvets, The |
Dwight |
Dyanisis |
Dying Seconds, The |
Dylan & My Evil Ex |
Dynamicks, The |
Dynamo Hum |
Dynamo Hymn, The |
D'Zire |
A girl band which pre-dated B*Witched |