J.D.N. |
Jack L |
Jack Planck |
Jackalfued |
Jackass Penguin Show |
Jackbeast |
Late 1990s Dublin hardcore band pre-dating The Redneck Manifesto |
Jacknife Lee |
Jacob, Dave |
Jacques |
Jacuzze Jungle |
Jade |
Jaded Sun |
Jades, The |
Jaga |
Jago, Alice |
Jailchase |
Jam Jar Jail |
James, Edwin |
James, Gavin |
Award-winning, soulful singer-songwriter from Dublin |
James, Mark |
Jammy Dodger All-Stars, The |
Jamie Cotton Band |
Janes Bradfords, The |
Janey Mac |
Japanese Popstars, The |
Jape |
Jaroc |
Jasper |
Java |
Jazz Therapy |
Late 1960s jazz band pre-dating Supply And Demand Curve |
Jazzberries, The |
Jedi Jane |
Jedward |
Jefl & Hyde |
Jekyll |
Jenkin's Ear |
Jepettos, The |
Jerome's Law |
Jerry Fish & The Mudbug Club |
Jessie & Layla |
Jester |
Jetplane Landing |
Jets, The |
Jetzons, The |
Jezery |
Jezzebelle |
Jilted |
Jim Nasty |
Jim Power & Taurus |
Jimmy Cake, The |
JJ |
JJ72 |
Joan Of Arse |
Jobbykrust |
Jodavino |
Jody Has A Hitlist |
Joe Echo |
Joe Punter |
Jogging |
John Edgar Voe |
John Mary Trilogy |
John, Michael |
John Shelly And The Creatures |
Johnny Jurex & The Punk Pistols |
Johnny Pluse |
Johnny Pyro & The Rock Coma |
Funk-influenced band pre-dating Republic Of Loose |
Johnny Volume |
Johnston, Benni |
Member of Logikparty, Cruising and Stagger Lee, Benni has also collaborated with Bantum |
Johnston, Ronan |
Johnstons, The |
Jones, Billy |
Jones, The |
Jonny Fun & The ... Hesitations |
Jonsen |
Joseph |
Gospel singer and former front-man with the D11 Runners |
Josephs, The [1] |
Josephs, The [2] |
Joshua Trio, The |
Jove |
Joyce, Christine |
Joyce, Fiona |
Joyrider |
Joys, The |
Jubilee |
Jubilee Allstars |
Jude |
Judes, The |
Judge |
Juice, The |
Juke [1] |
Juke [2] |
Juliet's Rescue |
Julip |
Jump Iceland |
Jumpers |
Junah |
Junction |
June Twilight |
Jung Turks |
Juniper |
Junk |
Junkster |
Junkyard |
Juno Falls |
Jupe |
Jupiter Ace |
Jupiter Forest |
Dublin based indie band fronted by Andrew Lacey Drummer Ciaran O'Neill
later of The Stoles |
Jupiter Moon |
Jupiter Scream |
Just A Philistine |
Just A Word |
Hip Hop / Rock crossover act from Armagh |
Just For Kicks |
J-Walkers |