Hada To Hada |
Hades Whores |
Hagen, Denise |
Haggis, John |
Hair France |
Hal |
Halcyon Days |
Hale, The |
Half Shot |
Halflight |
Halfset |
Halite |
Halves |
Ham Sandwich |
Hamilton, Nigel |
Hand In Glove |
Handrick, Andrew |
Hands Up Who Wants To Die |
Handshake |
Handsome Boatmen, The |
Bluegrass/Country/Blues band from Navan fronted by Alan Carmody |
Handsum Binmen |
Hanging Box |
Hanging Judges |
Hank Halfhead |
Hanly, Mick |
Hanna, Paddy |
Hannigan, Lisa |
Hansard, Glen |
Hansard, Martin |
Hanvey, Steafan |
Happless |
Hard Ground, The |
Hardiman, Ronan |
Hardsleeper |
Harford, Glen |
Harliquin |
Harmonic Sound |
Harney, Deaf Joe |
Harrington, Ann |
Harrington, Paul |
Harrison, Danielle |
Harrows |
Harry Holler And The Hooligans |
Harte, Leanne |
Harte, Mickey |
Hartman, Ríona Sally |
Harvest Ministers |
Hassle Merchants |
Hatch 77 |
Haughey, Paul |
Havana |
Hayes, Gemma |
Hayes, Martin |
Hayman, Andrew |
Headcheese |
Headgear |
Headzinc |
Healy, Kevin |
Healy, Margaret |
Healy, Una |
Heard, The |
Heat The Beans |
Heathens, The |
Heathers |
Heavnely Bodies |
Hedge Schools, The |
Hedrock Valley Beats |
Heels Ov The Bread |
Heffernan, Ray |
Hegarty, John |
Hehir, Eamonn |
Heliopause |
Hellfire Club |
Hello Monroe |
Hello Moon |
Hellvision |
Hemlock |
Hendrick, Ian |
Cork-based wedding band featuring members of The Caroline Shout, Caolourtide & Jodavino |
Hennessy, Carly |
Hennessy, Christy |
Hennessy, Hermione |
Hennigan's Blooze Band |
Henrietta Game |
Henry Girls, The |
Henry Sails |
Herbert, Derek |
Here Be Monsters |
Early 1990s rock band featuring future members of Large Mound, Omelette
and Venus Envy |
Here Comes The Landed Gentry |
Here's To Yesterday |
Heritage Centre |
Herm |
Hermie In Tweed |
Hermitage Green |
Acoustic folk-rock band formed in Limerick |
Heroes In Hiding |
Hersee, Andrew |
Herv |
Hession, Carl |
Hexxed |
Hey Paulette |
Heyday |
Hi Beats Lo |
New collaboration from former Venus Envy members |
Hickey, Brendan |
Hidden Fears |
Hidden From Nowhere |
Hidden Highways |
High Ground, The |
High Llamas |
High Society |
Hilary, Lynn |
Hill, Richmond |
Hinterland |
Hipple Street |
Hipster Youth |
Hired Hands |
hi.rise |
Hi-Score |
History Of Harry |
Hit Parade |
Hitch |
Hitchers, The |
Hitman Lord |
Ho And The Blartcakes |
Hoarse Box |
Hoax |
Hogan |
Hogan, Larry |
Hogan, Mark |
Holden, Darren |
Holemasters |
Holland, Ed |
Hollows, The |
Hollywood |
Holmes, David |
Holohan, Niall |
Holohan, Niall James |
Holsteins, The |
Holt |
Holy Ghost Fathers, The |
Holy Riffs, the |
Holy Roman Army, The |
Home Star Runner |
Homebrew |
Homegrown |
Homo Sapienz |
Honey Thieves |
Honeysac |
Hooky |
Hooligan |
Hooray For Humans |
Hoovers And Sledgehammers |
Hop |
Hope, David |
Hope Is Noise |
Hopkins, David |
Hoppers, The |
Hormones, The |
Horn Of Plenty |
Horror Council, The |
Horsies, The |
Horslips |
Host |
Hot Colossus |
Band fronted by the enigmatic Gary Showbiz [aka Gary Keogh of Moutpiece] |
Hot Press & The Silent Knights |
Hot Sprockets, The |
Hot Steals |
Hotfoot |
Hothouse Flowers |
Hotstop |
Houlin Boi |
Hourican, Paul |
House of Ours |
House Of Cosy Cushions |
House Of Dolls |
House Of Mexico |
House Of Usher, the |
Housebroken |
Housejacker, The |
Houston, Brian |
How And Why Insects, The |
Howett, Roberta |
Howlin' Dowlin |
Hoyne, Tony |
Hozier |
Acclaimed Blues-Soul singer from Bray, Co. Wicklow |
Hub |
Hubble |
1990s Cork band pre-dating Boa Morte |
Hubris |
Hudson, Sarah Jane |
Hudson Taylor |
Hueman |
Huey & The Hobgoblins |
Hulk |
Humanzi |
Hummer |
Hummingbird |
Hundred Bullets |
Hundredaires, The |
Hundredweight |
Hunk |
Female-fronted punk-infused indie pop. |
Hunny |
Hunter Gatherer |
Hunter, Obi |
Hurley, John |
Hush |
Hush War Cry |
Husk |
Hussey, Karl |
Huts On Stilts |
Hvmmingbyrd |
Folk-pop band centred around Deborah Byrne |
Hybrasil [1] |
Hybrasil [2] |
Hybrid |
Hylton Weir |
Hynes, Keith |
Hynes, Nina |
Hyperborea |
Hyperplant |