G Squad |
G.D.C. |
G.P.G. |
Gael Force |
Gaelic Hit Factory |
Gaju |
Gallagher, Bronagh |
Gallagher, Rory |
Gallen, Conal |
Galt, Stefan |
Gama Bomb |
Gandhis, The |
Gangs |
Young rock 'n' roll band from Tallaght |
Gardiner |
Garfield |
Garvey, Rachel |
Gately, Stephen |
Gatsby |
Gavin Glass & The Holy Shakers |
Gav's Band |
Gaze, The |
Geary, Mark |
Geasa |
Gecko |
Geiger |
Geldof, Bob |
General Fiasco |
Gentle Ben |
Derry Band featuring a youthful Conor Mason - later of Little Bear and
Ports |
Gentz |
Geoffrey's First Affair |
Mid-80s R&B band. Released one single before band came to a premature
end. |
Georgia |
Geraghty, David |
Get A Room |
Project pre-dating Groom and featuring Michael Stevens and Fiachra McCarthy |
G-Force-5 |
Ghears, The |
Ghost Estates |
Indie rock band formed in 2010 featuring members of Sickboy and 8Ball. |
Ghost Of An American Airman |
Ghostdance |
Ghosts |
Electronica and Dubstep band formed by Kevin Gleeson and Padraig Ryan from
Cashel |
Ghostwood Project, The |
Instrumental noise band based in Galway. Members later played with Bacchus. |
Ghundi |
Giant |
Gibney, Anthony |
Gift |
Gift, The |
Giglamesh |
Gill, Stace |
Gilpin, Richard |
Gimik |
Gin Devils, The |
Ginnels |
Ginola |
Ginosko |
Ginseng |
Giraffe Running |
Girl Band |
Girls Names |
Girls Of Summer |
Give Me Rosa |
giveamanakick |
Glackin, Eoin |
Glam Slam |
Glam Tarts, The |
Glass |
Glee Club, The |
Gleeson, Debbie |
Gleeson, Sarah |
Glennjammin Bones |
Glennon, Mike |
Glenwash |
Glimmermen |
Gloaming, The |
Supergroup merging trad and chamber music to create something unique |
Global Underground |
Gloria |
Glover, Ben |
Glyder |
Go Commando |
Go Panda Go |
Goatboy |
Goats Don't Shave |
Gobi |
God Is An Astronaut |
God Talking Soul |
God's Dice |
Godsuit |
Goff, Conor |
Gogarty, Allen |
Goink |
Gold Rush |
A short-lived band which predates Angels Of Mons, The Laundry Shop &
Republic Of Loose |
Golden Horde, The |
Golden Mile, The |
Goldfish Syndrome |
Golf |
Good Fight, The |
Good The Bad And The Bass Line, The |
Good Tiger |
Goodly Thousands |
goodnameforaband |
Goodtime |
Goodtime John |
Gorbachov |
Gordon Is A Mime |
Gorehounds, The |
Gorgeous Colours, The |
Gorman, Aidan |
Goss, Kieran |
Gout |
Gradapenda Rosindale |
Grades Of Shade |
Graham, Colin |
Graham, Mikey |
Gramaphone |
Gran Casino |
Grand |
Grand Pocket Orchestra |
Grand Slam |
Granny's Intentions |
Graphite |
Grasshopper |
Grasshoppers, The |
Great Western Squares, The |
Greedies |
Green |
Green Card |
Green Lights |
Green Monitor |
Greenbacks, The |
Greg |
Gresty, Rebecca |
Greta Garbage & The Trash Cans |
Greville, Mark |
Grid Lock |
Grim Hippie |
Grin |
Griswold |
Groom |
Groove, The |
Groundburst |
Groundswell |
Group, The |
Grover |
Grow |
Grown Ups, The |
Grunts, The |
Guava |
Guernica |
Guggenheim Grotto, The |
Guided |
Guillery, Lauren |
Guilmartin, James |
Guilty As Sin |
Early 1990s rock band featuring Mark Jordan. Later of Large Mound |
Guilty Optics |
Guilty Pleasures, The |
Guinan, Brownie |
Gumb |
Gunn, Gretta |
Gurriers, The |
Guru |
Guts, The |
Gwenivere |
Gym Slip |