Tabby |
Tabby & The Tsars |
Tabs, The |
Tabularasa |
Tahiti's Dream |
Tailor Made Project |
Tainted, The |
Take The Money And Run |
Talk To Strangers |
Talk, Monkey |
Tall Bob Smoke |
Talulah Does The Hula |
Tamalin |
Tame |
Tanaman |
Tandem Felix |
Tango Brigade |
Tantric Dex |
Tarab |
Tarantella Fall |
Tarrant, Mealla |
Taste |
Taylor, Richie |
Tea |
Tea & Sympathy |
Team Discovery Channel |
Team Fresh |
Tear Collectors, The |
Tearjerkers, The |
Tecnogue |
Tee Vees, The |
Teen Commandments |
Telephone Bruises |
Television Room |
Temperance Union, The |
London-based alt-country band featuring Ian Olney [ex-Power Of Dreams] |
Temple Door |
1990s Cork band with links to The Bulbs, Sonic Icons, Colourtide and Jodavino |
Ten Gallon Hat & The Big Salute |
Ten Past Seven |
Instrumental rock band from Kerry. |
Ten Speed Racer |
Ten Year Lull |
Tenaka |
Limerick-based electronica artist |
Tender Trap, The |
Terra 3 |
Terra Diablo |
Terranauts, The |
Terri & The Terrors |
Terribles, The |
Terror Pop |
Cork-based indie-rock band previously known as Agitate The Gravel |
Terrordactyl |
Teshi-1 |
Thalamus |
That Icon Of Loveliness |
That's What She Said |
That Petrol Emotion |
Thebluefood |
Thee Amazing Colossal Men |
Them |
Theme Tune Boy |
They Do It With Mirrors |
Late 80s/Early 90s Limerick band. Pre-dates Headgear |
Thin Band |
Thin Lizzy |
Things, The |
Think |
Thinker.org |
Thirty Ones, The |
This Club |
This Is How It Ends |
This Is This |
This Kid's Disco |
This Land |
Thompson |
Those Black Marks |
Kilkenny band formed out of the ashes of The Scenes |
Those Commie B's |
Those Damn Junkie Deejays |
Those Handsome Devils |
Those Nervous Animals |
Thoughtless |
Thread Pulls |
Threat, The |
Post-punk band from Cooloack on Dublin's Northside |
Three Ring Psychosis |
Three Tales |
Thrills, The |
Throat |
Throes, The |
Tiberius' Minnows |
Tidal District |
Tides, The |
Tieranniesaur |
Tiernan, Paul |
Tierney, Annie |
Tierney, Ro |
Tiger Cooke |
Tigers Of Tin Pan |
Tigris |
Ballyfermot (& Santry) rock band from the late 2000s. Fronted by Tania
McNamara |
Tigwara |
Limerick-based alternative rock band formed in 2013 |
Tiler |
Till September |
Till The Morning Comes |
Tilt |
Time Is A Thief |
Time Machine |
Time Spent |
Tin |
Tin Charm |
Indie guitar-rock from ex-Sunbear and Future Kings Of Spain players |
Tin Pot Operation |
Ting Chuggy |
Tinley, Emmett |
Tinman |
Tino Ros |
Tinopeners |
Tiny Magnetic Pets |
Tired Pony |
Titarse |
To Blacken The Pages |
Toasted Heretic |
Toaster |
Toco |
Tokin |
Tokyo Olympics |
Tombola |
Collaboration between Ikeaboy/Damoikea and Lunacybot |
Tomorrow Was |
Tomorrows |
1960s & 1970s-influenced band. Featuring members of Biggles Flys Again
& Doctor Leaves |
Toner, Niall |
Tongue |
Tongue Bundle |
Tono Privado |
Tony O'Diamond & Top Group Fantastic |
Too Many Egos |
Too Much For The Whiteman |
Reggae-influence band active during the latter half of the 1980s |
Tooth |
Torann |
Torc |
Torgas Valley Reds |
Torino |
Tortured Artists Social Club |
Total Winners |
Covers band featuring Jill Daly [Terrordactyl, Exploding Birds, Night Trap] |
Totally Unpredictable |
Toucandance |
Touch Of Oliver, A |
Town Criers |
Townparks Foundry |
Toxic Waste |
Toy Soldier |
Toy With Rhythm |
Toymonger |
ToyTone |
Tracer |
Tracer AMC |
Track Dogs |
Trackfour |
Trackline |
Tracy To Me Tracy |
Trade |
Traffic Episode |
Traic |
Train Walkers, The |
Trainor, Audrey |
Trains, The |
Transgress |
Transmitter |
Transmundane |
Travega |
Travis Oaks |
Exciting young blues-rock band from Cavan |
Treehouse |
Tremors |
Trenches |
Trenchtown |
Trev |
Trevelle |
Triniti |
Trip Hazard |
Tripper Humane |
Tripswitch |
Tripwire, The |
Triskil |
Trist |
Trophy Boyfriend |
Trouble Is, The |
Troubleshooters, The |
TrueLove |
Tru'penny Opera |
Truro Syndicate, The |
Truth, The |
Tu Da Kan |
Tub |
Tucan |
Tucker Suite |
Tuesday Blue |
Tulips, The |
Tumblefeel |
Tunguska |
Tunic |
Tupelo |
Turlough |
Turn [1] |
Indie-rock band from Kells. Active from 1998 - 2006. |
Turn [2] |
Turner, Juliet |
Turner, Pierce |
Turpin, David |
Turps |
Turricane |
Turtle Assassins |
Tweed |
Twinkranes |
Twisted Jack Nasty |
Two Conversations |
Two Door Cinema Club |
Two Time Polka |
T-woc |
Twud |
Tycho Brahe, The |
Tychonaut |
Typhoons |
Tyranny |