P45 [1] |
P45 [2] |
Pacer |
Paddy A Go Go |
Paddy Glackin & Jolyon Jackson |
A cross-over partnership resulting in a seminal album |
Page, Wally |
Painting By Numbers |
Pal Steelo |
Palace Of Variety |
Pale, The |
Palko |
Palomine |
1990s indie band which spawned the likes of Somadrone, The Chalets and
September Girls |
Pamf, Pete |
Pamp |
Panama Kings |
Panda Kopanda |
Panic Merchants, The |
Panic, The |
Pantone247 |
Papercop |
Papercut [1] |
Papercut [2] |
PaperJays |
Paradox |
Paralysed Purple Rays, The |
Paranoid Visions |
Paris Holiday |
Paris Underground |
Park, The |
Parker |
Parker, Padraig |
Parks Service, The |
Parks, The |
Parle, Luan |
Parlez, The |
Parr, Siobhan |
Partisans, The |
Party Weirdo |
Passengers |
Passion Machine |
Passive Resistance |
Patiosounds |
Patrol |
Paul & The Bulbs |
A late 1970s Cork band |
Paula C |
Pavesi |
Pavlov's Dogs |
Pawns ine.a |
Pay*ola |
PBR Street Gang |
Peace Frog |
Peach |
Peakin' Trippers |
Peaks, The |
Pearly |
Ethereal duo from Navan, now based in Berlin |
Pearse McGloughlin & Nocturnes |
Peasants |
Pecadillos |
Band featuring ex-Venus Envy man, Eugene Ryder |
Peco |
Pedestrian |
Pedestrienne |
Peel |
Peggy's Leg |
Peilemalas |
Pelvis |
Pen 15 |
Penfold DM |
Penguin Freud |
People Of The Monolith |
Pepperbook |
Peppermoth |
Percival, Chris |
Percolator |
Perfect Crime |
Perfect Moment |
Perfect Skins |
Peridots, The |
Perish The Thought |
Perry Coma |
Persistance |
Pet Lamb |
Pete The Killer |
Peter And Clara |
Petrie |
PetroChemical Accelerator |
4-piece groove metal band from Dublin with links to Killface, Utopian Ruins
& Venus Sleeps |
Petrol |
Petronella |
Pettit, Kilian |
Pettit, Siobhan |
Peyote |
Pharaoh House Crash |
Pharmacy |
Phases, The |
Philistine Mews, The |
Philosophers |
Philtre |
Phlange |
Phoenix Fire |
Phonic Athletic, The |
Phonic Chimps |
Pia Dunne & The Eleusians |
Pia Dunne Quintet |
Picture This |
Guitar pop/rock band from Athy, Co. Kildare |
Picturehouse |
Pier |
Pier Nineteen |
Piglet |
Pills For My Nerves |
Pilot Can |
Pilotlight |
Pinboy Skinny |
Pincher Martin |
Pinhead |
Pinion |
Pink Hurts, The |
Pink Turds In Space |
Pinky |
Piratio |
Place, Nigel |
Plague Monkeys |
Plan B |
Planet Parade |
Planxty |
Plastic Egyptians |
Playaz Ball |
Playtøh |
Plea, The |
Pleasure Beach |
Synth-pop band from Belfast. Featuring members of Yes Cadets and In An
Instant |
Pleasure Cell |
Plinth |
Plush |
Pocket Billiards |
Pocket Money |
Pocket Promise |
Podge & Rodge |
Poets Pocket Symphony |
Pogues, The |
Poison Girls |
Poke, The |
Polar |
Pony Club |
Pop Machine |
Pop Mechanics |
Popes, The |
Popgun Plot, The |
Popical Island Showband, The |
Popstar |
Popsuckers, The |
Popular Front, The |
Porcelli, Kim V |
Porcelyn Tears |
Porn Trauma |
Americana-influenced rock band from Dublin. Morphed into The Last Tycoons |
Ports |
Derry-based alternative rock band formerly known as Little Bear |
Posers |
Position 52 |
Potbelly |
Poultice |
Povey, Gavin |
Power Of Dreams |
Powerslide |
Powertrippin' |
PowPig |
4-Piece all girl pop-rock band from Limerick |
Practical Housekeepers, The |
Prairie Dawgs |
Prayer Boat, The |
Preacher's Son |
Preacher's Story |
Precious |
Precious Stones |
Predator |
Prendiville, Daniel |
PreNup |
Prescriptions, The |
Presley, Jay |
Press Empire |
Pressure Fall |
Prester John |
Pretty Boy Floyd And The Gems |
Pretty Ginger |
Prevo, Ben |
Priests, The |
Primal Dawn |
Primal Scream [1] |
Primal Scream [2] |
Primordial |
Primrose |
Prince Kong |
Prince's Street |
Princess Tinymeat |
Principles Of Shotgun Cloning |
Prior, Gavin |
Prism |
Prison Love |
Privado |
Private Number |
Private World |
Prophets, The [1] |
Prophets, The [2] |
Dublin-based, female-fronted rock band formed in 2013. |
Protex |
Protobaby |
Prunes, The |
P-S-F |
P-Starz |
Psy |
Psyatica |
Psycho |
Psycho Dream Escape, The |
Psycho Tribe |
Puget Sound |
Pugwash |
A Beatles-influenced guitar-pop band fronted by Thomas Walsh |
Pulling Faces |
Pulpit |
Pulpit, The |
Pulszar |
Pump Dwellers, The |
Pumpin' Julie |
Pumpkin Lovers |
Puppy Love Bomb |
Purcell, Kate |
Purcell, Suzanne |
Pure Blind |
Pure Blind Panic |
Pure Dynamight |
Purple Haze [1] |
Purple Haze [2] |
Mid 1990s band which pre-dated Melaton |
Purple Hearse |
Pursued By Dogs |
Indie / Electronica band from Dublin formerly known as Dogs |
Purty Rancor |
Putrefy |
Pyne, Tom |
Pyramid |
Pzazz |