KA |
Kabinboy, The |
Kader Fire |
Kameras, The |
Kamikazee Kids |
Kamiko |
Kamodo |
Kane, Liz |
Kane, Seaneen |
Kaneswaran, Hazel |
Kann |
Kanyu Tree, The |
Kapitol 25 |
Kaplin |
Karl Marx Project |
Karloff |
Karma A.D. |
Karman Line, The |
Karrie |
Kasette |
Kashmir |
Kaspar Hauser Trio |
Kate's Party |
Dublin indie-pop band founded by Niamh Hanley and Sarah Corcoran |
Kathleens |
Katie Anne |
Katie And The Carnival |
Katie Kim |
Katmandu |
Kato |
Katonahs, The |
Kavanagh, Niamh |
Kaydee |
Kayes, Olive |
Keane, Brendan |
Keane, Dolores |
Keane, Sean |
Keane, Una |
Keanettes, The |
Kearney, Jason |
Jearney, JF |
Kearns, Frank |
Keating, Ronan |
Keds, The |
Keeley, Brendan |
Keep, The |
Keepers, The [1] |
Keepers, The [2] |
Keepsake |
Kelleher, Fiona |
Kelleher, Patrick |
Kellie Marie |
Kelly, Frank |
Kelly, Laoise |
Kelly, Luke |
Kelly, Michele Ann |
Kelly, Nick |
Kelsey |
Post-rock band which pre-dates Adebisi Shank |
Keltic Klan |
Keltic Posse |
Keltic Wine |
Kenealy, Brian |
Kenealy & Byrne |
Musical collaboration between Brian Kenealy [ex-Engine Alley] and bassist
Paul Byrne |
Kenefick, Colm |
Kennedy, Bap |
Kennedy, Brian |
Kennedy, Jessie |
Kennedy, Kieran |
Kennedy, Lorna |
Kennedy, Noriana |
Galway-based Trad/Americana/Bluegrass singer. |
Kenny, Alan |
Kenny, Dawn |
Kenny, Emer |
Kenny, Tony |
Kenrick, Billy |
Keogh, Carol |
Acclaimed singer, formerly of The Plague Monkeys & The Tycho Brahe |
Kerbdog |
Kerbs, The |
Kerbside |
Kerley, Clodagh |
Kerr, Aileen |
Kerri Ann |
Kevins, The |
Keye, Leslie |
Keywest |
Kharma 45 |
Kiani |
Belfast-based electronic artist and DJ. |
Kick |
Kickstart |
Kickstart The Season |
Kid Icarus |
Kid Karate |
Kid Silver |
Kidd Blunt |
Kidd Dynamo |
Kidic |
Kidminister |
Kids Don't Play It Safe |
Kidz, The |
Kieran, Phil |
Kila |
Kilduff, Vinnie |
Ex member of In Tua Nua and The Waterboys and solo artist in his own right |
Kill City Defectors |
Kill Krinkle Club |
Killed In Action |
Killer Chloe |
Killer Goat |
Killer Kane |
Killer Watt |
Killercrust |
Formed in 1987, a hardcore band linked to Moutpiece |
Killing Spree |
Kilterr |
Kinane, Bat |
Kind Hearts And Coronets |
Kinetic |
Kinetic Youth |
Kinetiks, The |
King Camera Meets Volcano The Bear |
King, Fran |
King, Peadar |
King Sativa |
Kingbess, The |
Kings Mistake, The |
Kings River Band |
Kiros |
Kirwan, Colm |
Kismet |
Kissed Air |
Kites, The |
Kitsch |
Kitsch Is Rich |
Kitt, David |
Kitt, Thomas |
Kitty And The Can Openers |
Klingonz |
Kloosh |
Knapweed |
Knave |
Knifed |
Knock 'Em Dead |
Know Authority |
Know Your Enemy |
Koalacord |
Kodakid |
Kodaline |
Kodu |
Ambient / Electronica band from Limerick |
Koesher |
Kojii |
Koklin, Tony |
Kollaps1 |
Short-lived musical project fronted by Mark Greaney [ex-JJ72] |
Komodo |
Kool Thing |
Kopek |
Kormac |
Korsakoffs |
Kosha |
Koubas, The |
Kowalski |
Kraven |
Krimzen |
KrimZon |
Krisma |
Kroozerz |
Kruger |
Kryteria |
Kudos |
Cork-based band active during the 2000s |
Kudos [2] |
Dreamy, breezy pop from Cork sisters Sopie and Laura O'Keeffe |
Kudose |
Kult, The |
Kumara |
Kustz |
Kurtronic & The Middleman |
Kybosh, The |
Kyboshi, The |
Kyle |
Kyron And The Strangels |