C60 |
Cabrini Green |
Cactus World News |
Cades, The |
Caelum |
Café Folk, The |
Cafe Orchestra, The |
Cahill, Dennis |
Cain |
Cake Sale, The |
Calc |
Caliban |
Calico Jak |
Calvinists, The |
Alternative folk-rock band from Bantry, Co. Cork |
Calzino Fiasco |
Camembert Quartet, The |
Camino Organisation |
Canavan, Brian |
Candidates, The |
Candides, The |
Candy Apple Red |
Candy Shop, The |
Cane 141 |
Cannibals, The |
Cap Pas Cap |
Capital Trid |
Capitals, The |
Capratone |
Captain Kennedy |
Captain Spaulding |
Captain Stoobing |
Carbon Copy |
Cardigans, The |
Careers, The |
Short-lived indie guitar rock band from Cork. |
Carey, Declan |
Carly Sings |
Carmina |
Carmody, Simon |
Carnival |
Carnival Moon |
Carnival Saloon, The |
Carnún |
Carol Keogh And The City Fathers |
Carol Keogh [ex-The Plague Monkeys, The Tycho Brahe] |
Carolan |
Caroline Shout, The |
Early 90s Cork band [ex-No Sangoma] |
Carosel |
Carpenter Joe |
Carrellines, The |
Carriages |
Experimental folk / electronica duo based in Dublin |
Carried By Waves |
Carrigan, Ben |
Carroll, Carthage |
Carroll, Celine |
Carroll, Marc |
Cars In Walls |
Cars Love Girls |
Cartel, The |
Carter, John Leo |
Carter Twins, The |
Carthage |
Cartoon |
Cartoon Thieves, The |
Caruso |
Casablanca Moon |
Casanova Wave, The |
Casey, Hannah |
Casey, Jonathan |
Casey, Karan |
Casey, Nollaig |
Casey, Paddy |
Casey, Paul |
Cashier No. 9 |
Cassa |
Cast Of Cheers, The |
Cast Of Thousands |
Castrati |
Cat And Dog Dialogue |
Cat Magic |
Cat Malojian |
Cat Meat |
A London-based band featuring Cork man, Ian Olney [ex-Power Of Dreams] |
Catarax Lenny |
Catcher And The Rye |
Catchers, The |
Cathal Coughlan And The Fatima Gardens |
Catholic Guilt |
Cathy And Colm |
Catoan |
CatScars |
Ambient musical project from Robyn Bromfield [Children Under Hoof &
Everything Shook] |
Caulfield |
Cava |
Cave Ghosts |
Indie-pop supergroup inspired by Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys |
Caz9 |
The stage name of electro-pop star Caroline O'Neill |
Cazettes, The |
Wedding / Part band fronted by Caroline O'Neill [Caz9] |
CC Brez |
Solo project by one time Republic Of Loose man, Cormac Breslin |
Cecils Flea Circus |
Céilí Allstars, The |
Celestial |
Cellar Clun, The |
Celtic Bones |
Celtic Crew, The |
Celtic Tenors |
Celtus |
Central Line |
Ceolaire |
C'est Clave |
Cfit |
Chakras, The |
Chalets, The |
Chambers, Roisin |
Champagne Animal |
Chancer |
Changing Gears |
Pop-rock band from Dublin - formed in 2009. |
Channel One |
Chant! Chant! Chant! |
Chanting House, The |
Chaos Emerald, The |
Chaplin |
Chapterhouse, The |
Chapters, The |
Charis |
Charm Offensive, The |
Charming, The |
Charms, The |
Chaser |
Chayka |
Cheap Freaks |
Cheapskate |
Cheaters |
Cheerfuls, The |
Cheese Junkies, The |
Chequerboard |
Cherries, The |
Chester, Joe |
Chestnutt, Ian |
Chevron, Philip |
Chewing On Tinfoil |
Chiara Browne & The Rose Ponies |
Chicks |
Chieftans, The |
Children Of The Stones |
Children Of Yubka Shanga |
Children Under Hoof |
Electronica supergroup of sorts featuring members of CatScars, Ixchel and
School Tour |
Chill |
Chimera |
China Red |
China Doll |
Chip Shop Music |
Chit Chat |
Chocolate Love Factory |
Chocolate Monday |
Chop Luey |
Choral Sex |
Christ On A Stick |
Christina Calls |
Christof |
Christopher, Mic |
Christy And The Last Of The Teenage Idols |
Chromatic Death |
Chucklehead |
Chucky's River |
Chunky Planet |
Chuzzle |
Ciabh Rua |
Ciara D |
Cinnamon Firm |
Ciorras |
Young trad band brought together as part of the 'Lorg Lunny' series on
TG4 |
Circle Again |
Circus Cat |
A Cork-based guitar-rock band who later morphed into The Shaker Hymn |
Citadels, The |
Cities |
Citizen [1] |
Mid 2000s project featuring ex-members of The Driven and Ashley Keating
[Frank & Walters] |
Citizen [2] |
Citizen AKA |
Citizens, The |
New project by former Saville players Ken O'Duffy, Tosh Flood and Vin Duffy |
Ciúnas |
Civilian |
Civilians, The |
Clafferty, Pat |
Clancy |
Clancy And The Bucklebunnies |
Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem, The |
Clancy, Donal |
Clancy, Liam |
Clann Zu |
Australian-based band featuring Waterford's Declan De Barra on vocals |
Clannad |
Clarence Black |
Cork-based country project featuring members of Boa Morte |
Clarke, Anthony John |
Clarke, Jason |
Clarke, Jennifer |
Clarke, Liam |
Clark's Gable |
Class Of 1984 |
Clay Dolls |
Clay Machine |
A post Engine Alley project from Canice Kenealy |
Claysoul |
Clayton |
A folk/country-pop band featuring Lindsay Armaou of B*Witched |
Clayton, Adam |
Clear As Day |
Clearshot |
Cleary, Aoife |
Cleary, Paul |
Cleere |
Cleere, Joe |
Cleverdoll |
Cliff Edge Panic |
Clinic |
Cliona Dempsey Band |
Clockwork Noise |
Clone Quartet |
Cloosh |
Cloud Castle Lake |
Clouded Mouse |
Clown Parlour |
Cluck |
Clutch |
co.uk |
Co_dot |
Coade |
Coalesce |
Cobra |
Cococphone |
Codes |
Codie |
Cog |
Coitus |
Cold 100, The |
Cold Comfort |
Coldspoon Conspiracy |
Cole, Ollie |
Coleman, Bill |
Coleman, Naimee |
Colesno Parade |
Coletranes, The |
Colfer, Niall |
Colgan, Eoghan |
Colley, Ruby |
Collie |
Collins, Rebecca |
Colly Strings |
Color Party, The |
Colour Of The Sun |
ColourFast |
Colourful, The |
Colours |
Colours Move |
Colourtide |
Come On Live Long |
Come Ons, The |
Commitments, The |
Common Wolf |
Tallaght-based rock band active from 2011 - 2014 |
Communal |
Competition, The |
Comply Or Die |
Composer |
Compulsion |
Concerned Parasites ubh Kürka Gweena |
Concerto For Constantine |
Condell, Sonny |
Congress |
Conlon, Ultan |
Connect Four Orchestra |
Connection 924 |
Conneely, John |
Connolly, Niall |
Connolly, Pamela |
Connors, Terry |
Conspiracy, The |
Constant Supply |
Consume |
Contact |
Continuous Battle Of Order |
Contraband |
Control |
Control Freaks, The |
Control Zone |
Controlled Hysteria |
Conway, Carmel |
Conway, Dave |
Conway, Francie |
Cooban |
Carlow/Dublin rock/punk/soul band with links to Exiles and Last Cassette |
Coogan, Linda |
Cooke, Tadhg |
Coonics, The |
Coopers Hammer |
Coosh |
Copious |
Cornerstone |
Corona |
Coronas, The |
Corr, Andrea |
Corr, Justin |
Corr, Sharon |
Corrigan |
Corrigan, Briana |
Corrs, The |
Corrugated Tunnel |
Corrupted |
Cosmic Sweethearts, The |
Costello, Donnacha |
Cosure |
Cotter, Ken |
Cotter, Michelle |
Coughlan, Cathal |
Coughlan, Eoin |
Coughlan, Mary |
Coulter, Phil |
Count Tornado |
Courtney, Pete |
Couse, Dave |
Coutures, The |
Cowboy X |
Cox, Gar |
A folk-influenced singer-songwriter from Dublin |
Coxcrew, The |
Coyle, Chloe |
Coyle, David |
Coyle, Nadine |
Crabbe |
Crack, The |
Cracker Factory, The |
Crackers |
Craft |
Cranberries, The |
Cranberry Saw Us, The |
Cranc |
Crash Ensemble |
CrashLander |
Crayon Set, The |
Crayonsmith |
Crayonz, The |
Crazy Times |
Created By Comets |
Creative Controle |
Creatures |
Creche |
Creen, Gerry |
Crescendo Rising |
Crete Boom |
Cretins |
Crime Of Passion |
Crimes Against |
Cringe |
Crisis |
Crocodile Tears |
Crocodile Tears, The |
Mid to late 1980s band from Omagh, Co. Tyrone |
CroifoBori |
Limerick-based percussion group featuring Darragh Graham [later of Hermitage
Green] |
Crojayn |
Youthful Cork-based blues-rock band formed in 2013 |
Cronin |
Cronus |
Crooked Edge |
Hard Rock band from North County Dublin fronted by Fiona Garvey [The Voice
Of Ireland] |
Crooks, The |
Crossbones |
Trombone-led jazz band from Cork |
Crossbreed |
Early 1990s hardcore band fronted by Dave Kennedy [Road Records] |
Crosson, Sean |
Croupier |
Post-rock band from Co. Wicklow |
Crow Black Chicken |
Crowd Control |
Crowe, Simon |
Crowley, Adrian |
Crowley, Pat |
Cruachain |
Cruella De Ville |
Cruising |
Post-punk supergroup featuring members of Logikparty, September Girls and
Girls Names |
Crumb |
Crunge |
Cruz |
Cry Before Dawn |
Cry Monster Cry |
Cry Yuma |
Cryboys |
Performance band featuring David Kitt, Cian Nugent, Dylan Phillips and
Ruan van Vliet |
Cuba Dares |
Cubs |
Cuckoo |
Cuckoo Rass |
Cuckoo Sticks, The |
Cujo Family, The |
Culbertson, Clive |
Cullen, Jimi |
Cullen, Keith |
Cullen, Tracey |
Cullivan, Paddy |
Cummins, Aaron |
Cummins, Pete |
Cunningham, Michelle |
Curry, Rob |
Cunningham, Rhob |
Curtain Thieves, The |
Curtwel Slin |
Cutaways |
Cutscene |
Cyborgs From Hell |
Cyclefly |
Cypher |
Cypress, Mine! |
Cyrus Minor |
Czerniak, Ria |