#1s |
Na Connerys |
Na Fíréin |
Nábac |
Nábac was a trad and world music band based in Galway. |
Nagle, Davin |
Singer-songwriter active during early 2000s. Also memnber of The Stranded
Circus |
Nakatomi Plaza |
Nakatomi Towers |
Naked |
Naked Flame |
Early 2000s indie pop-rock band based in Navan |
Naked Giant Attack |
Nally, Tania |
Names, The |
Nanook |
NaNu NaNu |
Napalm Sunday |
Nassau |
National Prayer Breakfast |
Nation's Spies |
Native Sun |
Natural History Museum |
Natural World |
Nauha |
Neanderthal Chum |
Nearly Dead Jim |
Neasa |
Neck And Neck |
Neds, The |
Needham, Sean |
Neeson, Liam |
Negasus |
NegationTildeAmpersand [aka ¬~&] |
Negative 35 |
Negative Space |
Negative Way, The |
Negatives |
Neighbourhood, The |
Neighbours |
Nellies, The |
Nelligan, David |
Nemesis |
Neon |
Neon Ash |
Neon Atlas |
Neon Flea Circus |
Neon Knights, The |
Neon Stars |
Alternative rock band from Tallaght whic pre-dates Leaders Of Men |
Neon Tactics |
Short-lived indie-rock band from Galway. Pre-dates Young Kodiaks |
Neon Wolf |
Neosupervital |
Neptune City |
Nerdlinger |
Nero |
Nerves |
Nesbitt, Karl |
Neuro |
Neuter Boy |
NeverNoodz |
New Age Militia |
New Amusement |
New Clear Days |
New Colour Soul |
New Dark Age |
New Druids |
New Messiahs, The |
New Mind Line |
New Romantics |
New Secret Weapon |
New Testament |
New Versions |
New World Affair |
Newborn |
Newbreed |
Newell, Ciara |
Newman, Nikki |
Ní Chéileachair, Máire |
Niall Quinn & The Pennywhores |
Niall Stanage Band |
Nice 'N' Sleazy |
Night Trap |
A synth-inspired collaboration between Ciaran Smith [Crayonsmith] and Jill
Daly [Terrordactyl] |
Nightlife Thugs, The |
Nijinsky |
A North-Dublin band which pre-dates Saville |
Niland, Albert |
Nine Bar |
Nine IX Lives |
Nine Out Of Ten Cats |
Nine Wassies From Bainne |
Avant garde rock band formed by the enigmatic Giordai O'Laoghaire [ex-Nun
Attax & Soon] |
Ninebar International |
Nips, The |
Nivola |
Nixon |
No Big Thing |
No Hot Ashes |
No Less My Life |
No Logo |
No Mean City |
No Monster Club |
No Name Band |
No Remorse |
No Sangoma |
Late 80s Cork band which pre-dates The Caroline Shout |
No Smokin' |
No Spill Blood |
A post-rock-noise group featuring members of Adebisi Shank, Elk and Grey
Mayhem |
No Superman |
No Sweat [1] |
No Sweat [2] |
No Sweat was a 1980s/1990s rock band who reached #1 with the single 'Heart
And Soul' |
No Way Out |
No Work For The Hangman |
Nobody's, The |
NoCrows |
Sligo-based folk band with gypsy and mediterranean influences. |
Noise Boys |
Noise Control |
Noise Fik |
Noise Machine |
Noiseniks |
Nomads, The |
Nomos |
A Cork-based traditional band active throughout the 1990s |
Nonebetta |
Noonan, Anto |
Norabelle |
Nordle |
North Atlantic Oscillation |
North Cregg |
North Horizon |
North Sea, The [1] |
1990s indie-influenced band from Dublin's northside |
North Sea, The [2] |
Northern Drones, The |
Northern Quarter |
Northlight Razorblade |
Northstation |
Norwegians, The |
Not Important |
Not Squares |
Notas, The |
Soulful indie-electronica band from North County Dublin. Now based in London. |
Notch |
Nouveaunoise |
Nova Static |
Novastone |
Novatone |
November Dead List |
Novice |
Novocaine |
Nu Root Rhythm |
Nude, The |
Nugent, Cian |
Nugget |
Null Set, The |
Nun Attax |
Nuralgia |
Nuremberg, Dave |
Nurse With Wound |