CORK 198x 1990
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No Sangoma was a short-lived band based in Cork. The group came together in the later 1980s with a line up Mark O'Sullivan [Vocals], Ronnie Murdoch [Guitar], Martin Vallely [Bass Guitar] and Dave Barry [Drums]. Martin had previously performed with Boat People and Soon. There are no known releases from the group. However, it is understood that the band recorded a session for the Dave Fanning Show.

The band had just finished recording the track 'Into Your Hands' when they split. When Mark and Dave formed The Caroline Shout after the split, that recording became the band's debut single.

Mark O'Sullivan [Vocals], Ronnie Murdoch [Guitar], Martin Vallely [Bass Guitar], Dave Barry [Drums]

Boat People, Boolaboss, The Caroline Shout, DK7, Ice Nine, Mark & John, The Mighty Quark, Mark O'Sullivan, Soon, Martin Vallely