E+S=B |
Eamonn Hehir & The Small Mercies |
Earthquake Hair |
Easpa Measa |
East Coast Angels |
Eat Me Drink Me |
Eat My Noise |
Cork-based composition, production and performance duo |
Ebauche |
Ebo |
Echogram |
Eclectic, The |
Eclectic Turkey |
Ed Youth |
Ed Zealous |
Eddie Rocket |
Eden [1] |
Eden [2] |
Eden [2] |
A vocal/covers group featuring Lynn Hilary, Loran Kennedy & Caroline
O'Neill |
Edge, The |
Edgeweather |
Edison Falls |
EeOo |
Experimental side project of Ian McDonnell [Lakker & Eomac] |
Egan, Richie |
Ego Minefield |
Egomaniax |
Eithne |
Eitinn |
El Bastardo |
El Capitan |
El Diablo |
El Hombre Jokes |
Elaine K |
Elation |
Elder |
Electric Maggots |
Electric Messiah |
Electric Penguins |
Electric Slim & The Factory Hen |
Electro Dolls |
Electro Motive Force |
Electro Sensitive Behaviour |
Element |
Elements, The |
Elephant |
Eleven |
Elevens |
Eleventy Four |
Elk |
Ella Mental |
Elliots, The |
Elliott, Jean |
Ellison 9 |
Ellll |
Cork-based purveyor of electro and techno. |
Elmer Fudd |
Elpees |
Elroy |
Elsworth Cambs |
Elva |
Ely |
Emaciate |
Emaf |
Ember |
Embers, The |
Emerald |
Emesis |
Emily |
Emily's Eldest |
Emmaline |
Emotion Of Fear |
Empathy [1] |
Empathy [2] |
empathy_box |
Emperor Of Ice Cream |
Empire |
Instrumental project featuring members of Rollerskate Skinny and Ten Speed
Racer |
Empire Saints |
Empty Shell |
EN |
Enan, Susan |
Enclosed & Silent Order |
End, The |
Endgame |
Endline |
Enemies |
Energy Orchard |
Engine Alley |
Glam-infused indie rock from Kilkenny. |
Enright, Marlene |
Tender vocals from the Bantry singer who also performs with The Hard Ground |
Envelope |
Envelope, The |
Enya |
Eomac |
Epoch |
Epoch Rising |
EQ |
Escape Act |
Escape Artists |
Eskimo Convention |
Eskimo Kid |
Late 2000s band from Oldcastle, Co. Meath. Linked to Staccato (Headset)
and I Am KAII |
Estel |
Estranged |
Euphony |
Euphoria |
European Sensoria Band |
Eva Queen |
Evangelists |
Evans, Jennifer (& The Ripe Intent) |
Evans, Lucia |
Eve Of Mind |
Evening Watch, The |
Ever 27 |
Everglow |
Everyday People |
Everything Shook |
Avant-garde band linked to CatScars and You Can Call Me Frances |
Evil Bread Makers |
Evil Harrisons |
Eviston, Eibhin |
Excuses |
Exiles |
Electro-Guitar-Pop band from Carlow / Kilkenny |
Exit 4 |
Exit Brown |
Exit Pursued By A Bear |
Exit The Street |
exmagician |
Belfast-based indie-synth-rock band formed from the ashes of Cashier No.
9 |
Experiment, The |
Dublin-based psychedelic rock band fronted by Ken O'Duffy [later of Saville] |
Experiment, The |
Experimental Shortcuts |
Experimentors, The |
Expert, The |
Dublin-based producer. Better known as one half of Messiah J & The
Expert |
Expert And Danny Diggs, The |
Side project between Irish producer, The Expert and Canadian Danny Diggs |
Exploded Face |
Exploding Birds |
Exploding Eyes |
Psych-rock band with links to The Things, Cheap Freaks and Humanzi |
Expresso Mambo |
Export |
Ex-Producers |
Exzeltic |
Eye Slave |