m(h)aol |
Feminist-themed punk-rock band based in Dublin |
M.I.5. |
M.S.D. |
M101 |
Macaboy |
MacCarthy, Jim |
MacCarthy, Jimmy |
MacConIomaire, Colm |
MacDhonnagain, Tadhg |
MacGowan, Ciaran |
MacGowan, Shane |
MacGowan, Siobhan |
Machine Gun Baby |
Machismo |
Mackey, Anthony |
The solo work of Large Mound man |
MacMahon, Fiona |
Mad Lads, The |
Mad Lucas |
Mad Uncle Harry |
Madame Blavatsky |
Madelica |
Madpooka [aka The ::: madPooka] |
Madra |
Madu |
Maened |
Maersk |
Magickal Folk Of The Faraway Tree, The |
Magnetic North |
Magnetize |
Maguire, Nicole |
Maher, Scott |
Mahlon Sweet Field |
Mahon, Violetta |
Mahoney |
Mai, Elaine |
Mail Order Messiahs |
Mainline |
Maitland, Duncan |
Majical |
Major Grave |
Major Thinkers |
Majority Blonde, The |
Makem & Clancy |
Makem, Tommy |
Making, The |
Mako |
Maladies, The |
Male Caucasians |
Malfunctions, The |
Mali |
Malone, Liam |
Mamadoo |
Limerick-based acoustic-rock band featuring ex-members of They Do It With
Mirrors |
Mama's Boys |
Man Down |
Man Over Bored |
Man Whom, The |
Manalishi |
Mandelbrot Set, The |
Mangan, Billy |
Mangan, Geraldine |
Manhole |
Manlog |
Manor |
Mansons Garden |
Manta |
Mantle Piss |
Musical project from Paul Vesey [later of Children Under Hoof] |
Manville, Justin |
Marbles, The |
Marchetti, Nuala |
Maria + Kieran |
Once off recording project of Maria Doyle-Kennedy and husband Kieran Kennedy |
Mariannes, The |
Dublin-based alt-folk and country band fronted by Lisa Loughrey |
Marie Junior |
Marigolds, The |
Mark |
Mark & John |
A musical collaboration featuring Mark O'Sullivan [ex-No Sangoma, The Caroline
Shout] |
Markham, Brendan |
Limerick singer-songwriter. Former front man with The Driven. |
Market Force |
Marlene |
Marsh Lions, The |
Marshal Stars, The |
Martha Washington |
Marshall, Richie |
Marshals, The |
Martian Band, The |
Martin, Amy |
Martin, Jeff |
Martin, Linda |
Martin, Richard |
Martin, Sinead |
Marvin |
Marxman |
Mary Janes, The |
Mascara Story, The |
Mason, Conor |
Derry singer-songwriter. Also a member of Little Bear and Ports |
Master & Dog |
Matagouri |
Maud In Cahoots |
Maverick Sabre |
Max [1] |
Max [2] |
Max Von Rap |
May, Imelda |
May, Kevin |
May, Robert |
Maybury, Peter |
Maycock, Breda |
McArdle, Gerry |
McArdle, SJ |
McAree, Alison |
McCabe, Mark |
McCahey, Brendan |
McCalmont, Dennis |
McCann, Jim |
McCarroll, Andy |
McCarthy, Jim |
McCarthy, Johnny |
McClune, Niamh |
McCole, Tanya |
McConkey, Craig |
McConville, Mark |
McCormack, Barry |
McDonnell, Noelie |
McEvoy, Eleanor |
McEvoy, John |
McFadden, Brian |
McGettigan, Charlie |
McGilton, Dave |
McGinn, Matt |
McGirr, Michael |
McGloughlin, Pearse |
McGlynn, Arty |
McGovern, Brian |
McGowan, Carol Anne |
McGrath, Eric |
McGrath, Maurice |
McGrath, Michele |
McGuire, Brian |
McHugh, Lisa |
McKee, Fearghal |
McKenna, Joe |
McKeon, Conor |
McKeown, Susan |
McLaughlin, Lisa |
McMorrow, James Vincent |
McMullan, Kiernan |
McNamee, Jane |
McNamee, John |
McNicholas, Caroline |
McNicholl, Damian |
McNulty, Dennis |
McShane, Tom |
Mcut |
Me In The Park |
Meally, Adela |
Mean Features |
Mech Angel |
Medea |
Media |
Medic |
Mediocre |
Mediumwave |
Dublin power pop from the band that became Future Kings Of Spain. |
Meelah XVIII |
Meerkat |
Melady, Fiona |
Melani |
Melaton |
Melba |
Meljoann |
Mellow Drops, The |
Melodica Deathship |
Dark Hip Hop featuring Exile Eye and George Brennan [Deep Burial] |
Memories, The |
Memory Cells |
Memphis |
Mendoza |
Mercury |
Mere Mortals, The |
Merlot |
Merman |
Merrigan, Sarah |
Merriman, Will |
Mescalito |
Mescall, Don |
Mesner |
Message |
Messiah J & The Expert |
Messiah Operation |
Method, The |
Métisse |
Mexican Pets |
Mia Sparrow |
Michael Knight |
Mickey Joe Experience, The |
Micky Mac |
Microdisney |
Middle Ages, The |
Rock band fronted by ex-Large Mound man Anthony Mackey |
Middleclass Housewives |
Midnight Well |
Midnite Cruiser |
Midway Down |
Mighty Atomics |
Might Clouds Of Dust |
Mighty Quark, The |
Swedish based project featuring Mark O'Sullivan [ex-No Sangoma & The
Caroline Shout] |
Mighty Shamrocks, The |
Mighty Stef, The |
Dublin-based Rock 'n' Roll band fronted by Stefan Murphy [ex-Mirrorball,
ex-The Subtonics] |
Mike Got Spiked |
Mike TV |
Milk |
Miller, Sandi |
Mind Over Music |
Mindscape |
Mineral |
A Franco-Irish project by former Power Of Dreams frontman, Craig Walker |
Mineymoh |
Ming |
Minnows, The |
Minor Detail [1] |
Minor Detail [2] |
Minty And The Freshmen |
Minutes, The |
Acclaimed rock band from Dublin formed in 2006 |
Miracle Bell |
Mirakil Whip |
Mirror Freak |
Mirrorball |
Late 90s band which pre-dates The Subtonics, The Mighty Stef and Analogue Mindfield |
Misaligned Men Of Automaton |
Misantrophy |
Misguided |
Miss Brown To You |
Miss Melony |
Missing Link |
Misssissippi Mermaids, The |
Misty Way, The |
Mitch |
Mitcheners, The |
Mixile |
Mixtwitch |
M-Jays, The |
Mo Hat Mo Gheansai |
Mob Fandango |
Mocrac |
Modern Skins |
Modern Souls, The |
Modernaires |
Moebius |
Mo'fro |
Mojo Fury |
Mojo GoGo |
Molde |
Molloy, Matt |
Molloy, Sean |
Moloch In Tyrol |
Moloko |
Monday Club, The |
Moneypenny |
Mongoose |
Mongrel State |
Dublin-based band whose eclectiv musical style reflect their grographic
backgrounds |
Mongrels, The |
Tallaght-based band fronted by Enda Reilly. Members went on perform with
Reech. |
Monica |
Monkhouse |
1990s punk band from Bangor, Co. Down |
Mono Band |
Monorail |
Montage |
Montauk Hotel |
1980s-influenced guitar pop from this all girl outfit |
Monto |
Moo! |
Moog, Michael |
Mook |
Moolah Babies |
AltCountry band pre-dating Engine Alley which featured Brian Kenealy &
Paul Deegan |
Moonboot |
Moondogs |
Mooney, Nigel |
Mooney, Paul |
MoonSonic Project, The |
Moonwalkers, The |
Moore, Christy |
Moore, Gary |
Moore, Gavin |
Moore, Harry |
Moore, Leane |
Moose Eats Leaf |
Moral Crusade |
Moral Support |
More Than Conquerors |
More Tiny Giants |
Morello |
Morgan, Dermot |
Mogan Is Mosney |
Morgan The Bouncer |
Moriarty, Aoife |
Morning Hush |
Morning Stardust |
Morph |
Morrin, Chris |
Morris, Michael |
Morrison, Van |
Mortal Affliction |
Mosaic |
Moscow Metro |
Moseley |
Mosquitos, The |
Moss, Keith |
Moth Complex |
Mother Mooch |
Dublin-based psych-rock band formed in 2010 and fronted by Chloë Ní Dhúada |
Motherfudge |
Mountain Climbers, The |
Mourning Beloveth |
Mouse, The |
Moutpiece |
Hardcore band from Bublin formed in 2000 |
Movement |
Movement, The |
Moving Hearts |
Mr. Blueface |
Mr. Creosote |
Mr. Deasey Mooneye |
Mr. Deasy |
Mr. Nipples And The Dangleberries |
Mr. North |
Mr. NSF |
Mr. Pants |
Mr. Sun |
Mr. Sunshine |
Ms. Lynch |
A post-B*Witched project featuring the Lynch sisters |
Muck Savage |
Mudbitch |
Muddled |
Mudshark |
Mugger Dave |
Mule |
Mulhall, Gavin |
Mulhern, Johnny |
Mullen, Andrew |
Mullins, Keith |
Multified-Sides Tack |
Mulvanny, Dominic |
Mulvey, Sinead |
Mulvihill, Eamon |
Mumba, Omera |
Mumba, Samantha |
Mumblin' Deaf Ro |
Mundy |
Munnely, John |
Munnis, Bairbre |
Murder Clues, The |
Murder Of Crows |
Murder Plan |
Murli |
Shannon-based MC and member of the Rusangano Family |
Murmansk |
Murphy, Brendan |
Murphy, David |
Murphy, Gaz |
Murphy, George |
Murphy, John |
Murphy, Majella |
Murphy, Mandy |
Murphy, Mark |
Murphy, Orla |
Murphy, Roísín |
Murphy, Seán |
Murrihy, PJ |
Mushroom |
Music From The 4th Place |
Mutefish |
My Baby's Arm |
My Bloody Valentine |
My Brother Woody |
My Corduroy |
My Invention |
My Little Funhouse |
My Name Is Satan |
My Name Was Clark |
My Pilot |
My Remorse |
My Tribe Your Tribe |
Electro-indie-rock band fronted by George Mercer [ex-Boy Lights Fire] |
My Violet |
Short-lived band pre-dating Ivy Nations |
mynameisjOhn |
Ennis-based Producer and DJ and one third of the Rusangano Family |
Myosin |
Myp Et Jeep |
Mysteries End |
Mysterious Chords, The |
MyTown |