DUBLIN | 199x - 199x |
A detailed page has not yet been completed for this artist. If you have
information available, please send this to the following address feedback@irishmusicdb.com OVERVIEW Tilt was a rock band fronted by Peter Butler. The remainder of the group included Luca Adam [Guitar] Joel Patino [Bass Guitar] and Jeff Scully [Drums]. There is very little known about this group, however, it is known to have been active during the mid-1990s. Tilt is known to have released a CD entitled 'The Tomorrow People' in 1996. Joel went on to perform with Initial Stone and Sinead Martin & The Long Knives. Peter performed as a solo artist as well as fronting The Katonahs. LINE UP Peter Butler [Vocals], Luca Adam [Guitar] Joel Patino [Bass Guitar], Jeff Scully [Drums] FAMILY TREE LINKS Peter Butler, Initial Stone, The Katonahs, Sinead Martin & The Long Knives SONGS 'Fog And Rain', 'Invisible', 'The Tomorrow People' |