DUBLIN | 20xx - |
A detailed page has not yet been completed for this artist. If you have
information available, please send this to the following address feedback@irishmusicdb.com OVERVIEW Albert Penguin is a Dublin-based electronic two-piece. Very little is known about this emerging group, however, song titles include '2+2/3', 'MiniRobotDreams', 'Garden Animals' and 'Blue Squares'. In 2012 the band performed at the Hard Working Class Heroes Festival in Dublin. LINE UP n/a FAMILY TREE LINKS n/a SONGS '2+2/3', 'Blue Squares', 'Garden Animals', 'MiniRobotDreams', 'Tyranasaurus' 2009 -Albert Penguin perform as part of the Hard Working Class Heroes Festival in Dublin [16 - 18 October] |