Sub Zero |
LIMERICK | 1998 - 2003 |
A detailed page has not yet been completed for this artist. If you have
information available, please send this to the following address OVERVIEW Sub Zero was a Limerick-based electronic-fuelled band. The group featured Jennifer McMahon [Vocals], Tony Roche [Drums & Percussion] and Graham Conway [Keyboards & Programming], The group was formed in 1998 after the split of previous outfit, Radars. There is very little known about the band during this period. However, in 2003, they changed their name to DeLorean Suite, releasing the single 'Deep Love' in 2009. Jennifer has also preformed with The Low Network and Mahlon Sweet Field. LINE UP Jennifer McMahon [Vocals], Tony Roche [Drums & Percussion], Graham Conway [Keyboards & Programming] FAMILY TREE LINKS DeLorean Suite, Hop The Low Network, Mahlon Sweet Field, Radars SONGS n/a |