Faction Records
Front End Synthetics Ambulance, Booger, Burning Pig, Michael Morris, Rod, Spectac, Sunken Foal, The Last Sound, Dave Nuremburg
Goppa Records n/a
Nysha Records Paul Smyth, Luc & The Platelets, Thinker Org
Out On A Limb Records giveamanakick, Rest, Ten Past Seven, Waiting Room, Windings
Setanta Records The Chalets, Pony Club, Turn
Sofa Records Dae Kim, The Fontanelles, Rulers Of The Planet
Trust Me I'm A Thief Records Beautiful Unit, Goodtime John, Jape, Redneck Manifesto, Schroedersound, Somadrone
Wet Clay Records Decadence, La Rocca, Random, Supermodel Twins, Woodstar