The Moon Is A Bullet Hole RMG
27 September 2000 Stephen Robinson
"Mayday, Mayday, do you read me..." sings Mundy on this Major Tom-ish psychedelic space jaunt. Pleasantly Lennon-esque melodies and one guitar break that's not so much stolen as kidnapped, assaulted and then joins the gang after the ransom's paid. Three extra tracks include 'Healthy', 'Kids Aren't Stupid' and 'The Last Time' confirm Mundy's more orchestral direction. Mellow.
July Camcor
27 July 2002 Phil Udell
And if everyone else is doing it, why can't Mundy? Flushed from the glowing response to 24 Star Hotel, here comes a blatant crack at the summer singles market, one which would make sense if it wasn't pissing rain all the time. Despite heading down a Hayes-like noise route live, this is strum-alonga-Mundy - charming in its way but no means essential.
Soulmate Camcor
01 June 2005 Phil Udell
While the prospect of a Ken McHugh / Autamata Mundy remix is an attractive one, his take on Soulmate doesn't really take it to any of the places you might expect, tweaking it here and there instead of reconstructing it in his own image. Not that it matters though, as this is one of one of Mundy's most appealing singles to date, the kind of sunny pop song that he has proved so adept at producing over the years. Obviously worn out by that exertion, backing vocalist Jenny Lindfors' own work is a lot more low key but dreamily effective in its own way.