- Eliza Carthy - Mr Magnifico [Monitor Mix Version]
- Karine Polwart - Sorry
- Drever, McCusker, Woomble - Steal What We Can [Exclusive Version]
- Cara Dillon - False, False
- Martin Simpson - Never Any Good [Exclusive Live Version]
- Athena - Let Me In
- Luka Bloom - Innocence
- Mary Gauthier - Our Lady Of The Shooting Stars
- The Waifs - Sundirtwater
- Kathryn Williams & Neill MacColl - Grey Goes
- Lau - Stewarts [Live]
- Bellowhead - Haul Away (Jiggery Pokerwork / Haul Away / The Seven Stars)
[Exclusive Live Version]
- Sharon Shannon & Mundy - Galway Girl [Studio Version]