- LaFaro - The Ballad Of Burnt Dave [2010]
- Let Our Enemies Beware - Pow! Right In The Kisser [2009]
- Crooked Mountain, Crooked Sea - Like Mice In The Cellar [2010]
- Calories - Adventuring [2010]
- 4 Or 5 Magicians - Forever On The Edge [2009]
- The Young Playthings - She's A Rebel [2007]
- The Light Sleepers - Panama [2008]
- We Versus The Shark - Hello Blood [2008]
- Illness - Old Song [2010]
- 1" Volcano - Beast [2003]
- An Emergency - Stridor [2008]
- Skibunny - Walk, Don't Walk [2010]
- Clone Quartet - Carousel [2007]
- Oppenheimer - Breakfast In NYC [2006]
- Hooray For Humans - Signature [2007]
- Alan MX - Warpsichord [2009]
- Feldberg - Don't Be A Stranger [2011]
- Our Krypton Son - Catalonian Love Song [2012]
- Fighting With Wire - Long Distance [2008]
- Jetplane Landing - Brave Gravity [2003]
- More Than Conquerors - Oh My Son! [2011]
- The Moi Non Plus - Ha Ha Ha [2009]
- Fickle Public - Kittens Got Claws [2005]
- And So I Watch You From Afar - Don't Waste Time Doing Things You Hate [2009]