- 16B - Water Ride [Original Mix]
- The Fact - Contact [Original Mix)]
- The Enchanter - Voodoo
- Rabbit In The Moon - Floori. D.A [A Dub For
- Pob & Taylor - Baba
- Peter Funk - Distant Ways
- Breeder - Angel Dust [Breeder's Rhythm Syndicate
- Freefall - Skydive [Accapella]
- Humate - 3.2 [Bedrock Mix]
- Hazed - Percussion
- Narcotik - Twelve Miles
- Liquid Language - In The Air (She's So Close)
[Air Mix]
- Hybrid - Kill City
- Ils - Edge Note
- Mondo Paradiso - Mezza Luna [Ils Crash Mix]
- World Of Crime - Fraction Of Friction
- Freq Nasty - Freq-A-Zoid [Electro Slag Mix]
- Technasia - The Awakening
- Meat Katie - Can't Hear Ya [Rennie Pilgrems
Thursday Club Mix]
- The Light - Expand The Room [Rennie Pilgrem
- Kaistar - The Promethean Groove [Rennie Pilgrem's
Thursday Club Mix]
- Métisse - Sousoundé [Freq Nasty -vs- BLIM Remix]
- Thursday Club - Paranoia
- Waveform - What's That Sound
- McMillan & Anderson - Vital Art
- Bushwacka! - Let It Play
- Beber - Juvenile Delinquent [Beber's Supafly