Richter Collective / Smalltown America Sampler
  1. And So I Watch You From Afar - K Is For Killing Spree (An Ode To)
  2. Alan MX - Green Tea
  3. LaFaro - Tuppenny Nudger
  4. Calories - FFWD
  5. Skibunny - Walk Don't Walk
  6. 4 Or 5 Magicians - Forever On The Edge
  7. Ice Sea Dead People - Hence:Elvis
  8. Let Our Enemies Beware - I Am Lono
  9. Fighting With Wire - Everybody Needs A Nemesis
  10. Skip Moses - Seasons Reverse
  11. Adebisi Shank - Oyasumi
  12. BATS - Vermithrax Pejorative
  13. Enemies - Nag Champa
  14. Hands Up Who Wants To Die - Fish And Rashers
  15. Jogging - Whistling At Night
  16. Marvins Revolt - Siberia
  17. Not Squares - Asylum
  18. The Continuous Battle Of Order - Song 1
  19. The Vinny Club - It's Not You (It's OF)
  20. Worrier - You've Let Down Your Hair