- Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus [Kazan Cathedral
- Merlin - Drop The Pressure
- Erasure - Star [Trafalmadore Mix]
- Ofra Haza - Wish Me Luck [ Karamazov Mix]
- Chris Thomas - Help Us, Somebody
- Ian McCulloch - Candleland [Second Coming
- Ministry - Believe [Live From The Gulag]
- Ice-T - The Girl Tried To Kill Me
- John Wesley Harding - When The Beatles Hit
- Danielle Dax - The ID Parade
- Morrissey - November Spawned A Monster
- Bradford - Gang Of One
- Deborah Harry - Maybe For Sure [Tunguska
Event 7" Mix]
- My Bloody Valentine - Soon
- The Wild Swans - Melting Blue Delicious [St.
Petersburg Mix]
- Primal Scream - Loaded [7" Version]