- Cop On The Edge - Bafana Bafana [South Africa]
- Standard Fare - Vaya Vaya México! [Mexico]
- Showstar - Urutguay! [Uruguay]
- The Very Most - Irlande [France]
- The Dirty 9s - Ballad of El Diego [Argentina]
- Grand Pocket Orchestra - Nigeria [Nigeria]
- Pearse McGloughlin - Jongmyo Shrine [South Korea]
- At Last An Atlas - The Pirate Ship [Greece]
- Detox Cute - St George’s Day [England]
- Echo Orbiter - Game Without A Name [USA]
- Boca Chica - Wildlife Of Algeria [Algeria]
- Lightholler - Slovenia's Dream [Slovenia]
- Betty And The Cavalero - Meet Me At The Red Light [Germany]
- Sleep Good - Australia [Australia]
- Hunter-Gatherer - Serbia [Serbia]
- The Invisible Clock Factory - We Are The Black Stars [Ghana]
- Burning Codes - Wooded Land [Holland]
- Cleemann - Princes of Denmark [Dermark]
- Goatboy - Japanese City Nights [Japan]
- Spirit Spine - Field Way (Song For Cameroon) [Cameroon]
- Le Man Avec Les Lunettes - Don’t Get Fooled By The Football Players’ Summery
Outfit [Italy]
- Harry Bird - Pesadilla No.7 [Paraguay]
- Adam and Darcie - Aotearoa [New Zealand]
- Escape Act - Slovakia [Slovakia]
- Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Back To You [Brazil]
- Francis Bacon’s Ghost - Kim Jung II [North Korea]
- Storkboy Choons - Côte d’Ivoire [Ivory Coast]
- Tap Tap - Dry Dry Land [Portugal]
- The Yellow Melodies - Vamos A Ganar El Mundial [Spain]
- Candy Claws - Alp Sway Snow Team [Switzerland]
- My Brother Woody - Carlos Dreams of World Cup Glory [Honduras]
- Manwomanchild - Chile La Roja [Chile]