- Boa Constrictor vs The Honeydrips - Please Do Not Lie
- Baffin Island (The Very Most + The Hermit Crabs) - You Make Two Weeks Two
- Suspicious For The Winter (Casa Murilo + Like Spinning) - Empty Streets
- Jacob Borshard And Cake On Cake – Summer Will Have Its Way
- Starlight Recorder (Dylan Mondegreen + Alex Rinde (The Margarets)) - Girl
From Outer Space
- Leaving Rio (Cineplexx + Onward, Chariots) - Vanish
- Peacock Dreams (Shelby Sifers + Spirituals) - Peacock Dreams
- Saturnalia (The Lost Cavalry + We Walk On Ice) - Disappear
- Kubot (Martin Gustafsson (Boy Omega) + Martin Bergström (New Beginnings/Sin
Närmiljö)) - T
- Early to Bed (Wisdom Tooth + Me And The Horse I Rode In On) - Prayers
- En handvändning (Solander + Jerker Kaj) - Ett Hus Av Trä
- Johnny Favourite And The Exs (Johnny Favourite + Little Xs For Eyes) - Of Love
- Dizzie Bird (The Marble Man + Angela Aux) - Sunday Monkey
- Broken Motion (Paragraphs + Me And My Arrow) - Once I’m A Doctor, I’ll Think Of Great Titles