The Best Of The Red Rooster
  1. Bridie Mary's Broken Rabbit
  2. Fish Go Deep - Cure And The Cause
  3. 'Miracle On Pana' - Christmas Cork Style
  4. Simple Kid - Truck On
  5. Pat The Faker - Petrol Problem
  6. The Frank And Walters - After All
  7. The Gold Digger
  8. Fred - Good One
  9. Judge Judy In Cork
  10. Jodavino - Move Me
  11. Larry's Chinese Call
  12. Ian Paisley's Birthday
  13. Bridie Mary Wants A Husband
  14. Wally The Gas Man
  15. God Hates Ireland
  16. Pat The Faker - Casino
  17. Bridie Mary - The Bad Elmo