Crying Room
(Blu Orchard Music/CD)
Katie Moten
Perry Blake's latest offering is as intriguingly melodious as its predecessors, but Blake has pared the production back this time around, making 'The Crying Room' a more intimate listen.

The album really hits its stride with the achingly beautiful second track 'Forgiveness'. The combination of Blake's measured voice, the music and the lyrics gives it a very sumptuous feel, despite the fact that piano and strings are really the only instruments we hear very much of, with atmospheric wind instruments added here and there.

Blake's harmonious vocal is the highlight of the collection, touching emotions that other male vocalists don't approach. The stripped down production of this album is a good move, as it allows us to really hear Blake. Listening to 'If You Don't Love Me' or 'Blue Sky Smiling', it becomes clear that there aren't many male singers who can do what Blake does so effortlessly.

If you're already a Perry Blake fan, this is a lovely addition to your collection, if not, then 'The Crying Room' is the perfect way to discover an artist that we don't hear enough of.