WATERFORD 1994 - 2004
Brooder was a punk rock band from Waterford City. The group came togther in 1994 and over the ten years the band was together it underwent many lineup changes - mostly drummers! The original line up which was active from 1994 -1996 featured Jamie Grimes [Vocals & Guitar], Mark Doherty [Bass Guitar & Vocals], Stephen Boyle [Guitar] and Dave Whelan [Drums]. Jamie had previously performed with the likes of Repentance and Lamentations. During that period, the band recorded the Cheeky Monkey EP. Released in August of 1996. it featured 'Wasted On Me', 'Mousey', 'Waterpistol' and 'Killing With Kindness'. 1996 also saw the departure of Jamie from the band as he left to pursure other musical projects like Silent Bob and DEBT.

The band continued on as a 3 piece with Mark [aka Dots] taking on singing duties. However, in 1998 Dave decided to leave. Garry Doyle took up the sticks. Brooder released its seocnd EP, 'Evil Eye' on the Texas-based Waffle Iron Records on St. Patrick's Day 1999. The EP featured a total of 6 tracks including 'Evil Eye', 'Going Blind', 'Gardener's World', 'Day At The Zoo', 'Little Man' and 'Cream'. The revolving door of drummers continued with Hugh Kavanagh replacing Garry in 2000, Dave returning to the fold in 2001 only to leave again and be replaced by Andy Walsh in 2002. In 2001, Brooder released 'All Mixed Up' which is a collection of the group's various recording sessions from 1997 to 2000. The band continued on until 2004. The three remaining members of the band, Mark, Stephen and Andy formed the band The Elliott Mess which ran from 2005 - 2007.

It is understood that the band released two further EPs - 'Heavenly Home' [2000] and 'Mix Up' [2003] - however, there is no detailed information available on these releases.The latter may be one and the same as the 'All Mixed Up' album which is listed on the albums page.

- Band formed
- Release of 'Cheeky Monkey' EP [31 August
- Release of 'Evil Eye' EP [17 March]
- Release of 'All Mixed Up' album
- Band split