DUBLIN 2005 -
Blue Syndrome is an independent rock back hailing from the north side of Dublin. Formed in 2005, the original line up included Colm O'Loughlin [Vocals & Guitar], Stephen O'Loughlin [Guitar & Vocals], Thomas Lamude [Drums & Percussion] and Daniel Cummins [Bass Guitar & Vocals]. Cummins would later leave the group and be replaced by Adam Kennedy.

In 2007 the band finished runner up in the Coca Cola Blast Beat Competition and, subsequently, signed to Blast Beat Records. However, this relationship was to be short lived as the company went into liquidation. Undeterred, the band set up Awkward Turtle Records as a vehicle to release their own material. The single 'Kiss The Girls' was released in April 2009. A second single, 'Over And Out' followed in October. This second single was a precursor to a debut album of the same name which was released in October 2009.

- Band formed
- Came runner up in the Coca Cola Blast Beat competition
- Band sign with Blast Beat Records
- Release of 'Tomorrow I'll Be Gone' single [26 May]
- Release of 'Kiss The Girl' Single [03 April]
- Release of 'Over And Out' single [05 October]
- Release of 'Over And Out' album [23 October]
- Daniel leaves the band and is replaced by Adam Kennedy [March]