BLACK DAISY are Lesley-ann Halvey (L.A.) lead singer and electric guitar, Steff Caffrey lead guitar and backing vocals, Audrey Bridgeman on drums and Tanya O'Callaghan on Bass. BLACK DAISY were formed three years ago when lead singer L.A. left her home town of Limerick with the intention of joining a Dublin based rock band. Curious to check out the gigging scene in Dublin L.A. visited a number of music venues around the capital, on one of her outings she spotted something very rare indeed,"Steff" a female guitar player who could put it up to any man on stage! Blown away by Steffs' guitar playing L.A. made a point of staying around to meet her after the gig, as L.A. spoke to Steff they found they had a lot of common interests, a few tipples later the pair had decided to form a band of their own, except with a little twist, they would only seek other female musicians to complete the line up, so they cast out their net out to find the rhythm section of the band soon to be known as BLACK DAISY.
Well now, oh boy, oh boy, a rhythm section they did find, step forward Audrey Bridgeman and rocker (the troublesome) Tanya O'Callaghan. Audrey has been surrounded by music all of her life, thanks to her father Noel Bridgeman. Audrey has plyed her trade as far afield as Cuba and has done countless amounts of gigs and session work. Although she has an unbelievable talent, this drummer is modest to say the least. One you really have to see to believe... Tanya O'Callaghan has spent the last 4 years studying music on the gigging circuit and also in the world renowned "Newpark School Of Music", Tanya has spent her time imersing herself in all types and styles of music, but at heart, like all the Black Daisys, she's a rock chick. L.A. and Steff have found in this rhythm section, something they never thought they would find, but here you have it from right to left in the picture above (Steff-L.A.-Tanya-Audrey) better known as BLACK DAISY

In an industry swamped by same ol same ol, and singer songwriter over consumption, a fresh approach into Rock n’ Roll is well overdue. Black Daisy is just the remedy for your ipod blues. Lead by female only members, and multi talented in over 10 different instruments collectively, these ladies- L.A -(Lesley Ann), Steff, Asta & Nicki make up Black Daisy. And are in it for the long haul. Fuelled with Rip roaring guitar hooks & drum and bass kicking it forward, followed in pursuit by the ultimate rock n roll front lady “L.A.” on cue, they are here to stay.

Bill Malone, well know producer of RTE music shows, rates this band as excellent and claims that they will certainly make their mark this year in the music scene.

Four years in the making they are not nor can they be deemed an overnight success. They have graced many a stage in many a place, (even playing to over a thousand inmates of Mount Joy prison) these ladies are only at the centrefold of their career and are ready to reach major heights in the coming months issuing the release of their first single “Disturbing New Fashion” in July 2008 which is the title track to their upcoming E.P. due for release in August 2008 the track is fuelled with all the right ingredients to make an ardent impact on the Music Scene in Ireland and overseas. Black Daisy have a list of Live Radio shows, Press interviews, Live performances and festival appearances lined up as part of their campaign to rock out the country and make their presence known. It’s time to take a new look at the lime light. If your open to being wooed by these talented, good looking, remarkable musicians, then surrender right now. Or prepare to be taken captive....

- Release of 'Disturbing New Fashion' single [August]