Beoga is a traditional band with players from all across Northern Ireland and a singer from Limerick. The foundations of the band came together when Liam Bradley [Piano, Keyboards & Triangle], Damian McKee [Button Accordion & Backing Vocals], Seán Óg Graham [Button Accordion, Guitars, Bouzouki, Banjo, Low Whistle & Backing Vocals] and Eamon Murray [Bodhrán & Percussion] started jamming together. However, it wasn't until Niamh Dunne [Vocals, Fiddles & Viola] joined in 2005 that the line up was complete.

The name of the band is derived from Irish and literally translates as 'Lively'. It's a good description of the band's music. The first recorded evidence of this came in 2004 with the release of the band's debut album 'Lovely Madness'. The collection was universally well received.

A second album, 'Mischief' followed in 2007. Once again, the album was well received by critics and fans a like. The album received a 9.5/10 rating in Hot Press.

In March 2009, during their final performance at Houston International Festival, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee honoured Beoga with the Dr. Paul Zanowiak Award for Best New Artist, presenting an official certificate of Congressional Recognition from the US House of Representatives. This was timely recognition. Shortly afterwards, the band released its third album, 'The Incident'.

- Band formed
- Release of 'A Lovely Madness' album
- Release of 'Mischief' album
- Release of 'The Incident' album