Ben Reel is a singular artist, the latest original to emerge from the wonderful Irish tradition of great singer-songwriters. From the troubadours of the heart and the message song, through Van Morrison and that shape-shifting Declan Patrick MacManus (Elvis Costello) and a bit of the Pogues, the Irish songsmiths crafted works both spiritual and emotionally charged while also tinged with the gift of turning a phrase with the best of them.

Gerry Anderson, of BBC Radio Ulster called Reel’s last album, SWEET VICTORY, “the best album I’ve heard in years.” And live, Ben with long standing recruits Michael Black on drums, Ronnie O'Flynn on bass, Micky McCarney on guitar, Ben himself on vocals and guitar, the Ben Reel Band have been building a great reputation as being one of the finest live bands in Ireland.

Ben Reel Ronnie O'Flynn Micky McCarney Michael Black

Hailing from Silverbridge in County Armagh, against the backdrop of “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland, music became Ben’s way out. He first picked up the guitar when he was 13 years old and first musical adventure began when he formed the now legendary band Trim The Velvet.

After achieving significant success and a very loyal following, the band went their separate ways and Ben started recording and touring as a solo artist. To date he has completed 4 studio recordings, the latest of which NEW HORIZON, has just been completed and will be released in Ireland in June, 2007. Along with its predecessors it showcases Ben’s talent as a sublime singer-songwriter.

This time around though, Ben collected his band into the studio to hew simple, direct and heartfelt songs. While the Irish know that their Blarney can get them out of dire situations and make a bad situation so much lighter, they also know that the bitter truth needs to be acknowledged and dealt with straightaway. Ben’s songs on NEW HORIZON are those, bitter with the bad, but with a view to the way out.

The tracks have unfolded contain a more rootsy, earthy, Americana rock feel to them. The band has developed a kinship from performing throughout Europe, creating their unique sound together. Bringing real music back to the people in an age of the corporate manufactured mundane, NEW HORIZON announces to the world something, which a growing number of people have already known throughout
Ireland; Ben Reel is a major talent.


1999 This Is The Movie
2000 Exorcise Me (3 track ep)
2001 Lost In The Haze
2004 Sweet Victory
2007 New Horizon

The album received high critical acclaim and a lot of airplay including BOB HARRIS BBC radio 2, plus favourable reviews in various countries e.g. UK, HOLLAND, even as far as AUSTRALIA. This record showed a musical maturity and progression. The songs are of a soulful and spiritual nature, which carry a powerful message to the listener”.
