"Ash Interview" Virtual Cardiff
Rebecca Burns 07 September 1998

You've been hidden away in the studio for a while now - the product of which is Nu-Clear Sounds. Was it you or the record company that decided on Jesus Says as the first single?

Tim: Obviously it was us, because it was mental!

You recorded at Rockfield in Wales - why did you decide to record there, have you recorded there before?

Tim: Yeah - We've almost done everything there, actually. We just kind of love the place because there's no distractions and you can just get on with it, and it's pretty relaxed, it's not too posh. You just feel at home there - and lots of good pubs nearby!

Charlotte: It's got a really relaxing vibe around it, because it's residential.

Tim: You can work all night if you want.

You said after the first album it'd be hard to work with any producer other than Owen Morris because he had a good understanding of what your music was all about. Did Owen produce Nu-Clear Sounds?

Tim: Erm...actually we fell out with Owen last year, so we started working with Chris Kinsey, and it was really good working with someone else, getting a different perspective on the whole thing. Then we ended up getting Owen back in to mix the album because, like you said, he knows our sound, a bit better than Chris does. We were at the stage where we'd made friends again.

How long did it take to record?

Tim: Well, on and off about five months.

Charlotte: Five months, yeah.

Tim: Too long!

Was Nu-Clear Sounds always going to be the title of the album?

Tim: No, not until the last few days.

What was the idea or inspiration behind the title?

Tim: Well I saw a Jet in the states called Nu-Clear, written with a hyphen, written in that way, so I thought it would be pretty cool. I don't know, just off the top of my head it's a good name.

Who's the main songwriter on the new album, or do you all have equal input?

Tim: I think Mark and I wrote the most of it, but the thing is the whole band really develops all the songs and works out their own parts, so it really does feel like a whole band thing, you know. All the songs evolved as a group.

You're doing a 17-day UK tour in October plus the headline slot at Radio One's Cooper's Field show in Cardiff next weekend. Obviously studio work is hard work - but now the album is recorded, do you think touring will be equally hard work?

Tim: Touring's easy...really. It's like it tires you out and you get worn down, but you can always keep going because it's always fun to play, you know.

Tim, has having an additional guitarist and vocalist taken some of the pressure off you?

Tim: Yeah, loads. Yes, it's good, I don't have to think so hard during all the gigs now so it's going to be twice as much fun.

Charlotte, do you feel completely part of the band now, not like the 'new girl'?

Charlotte: Yeah, I think so. Probably the first few months was a bit hard settling in, you know.

What are your plans following the October tour - where will you take it outside of the UK?

Tim: Erm...Europe up until Christmas and then probably next year I think, Japan, Australia and the States.


Tim: Yeah!

Was it a conscious decision to play North Wales this time for your fans there, because last time you played in Wales it was down here?

Tim: Yeah, down Newport. Yeah, we like to try and cover as many places as possible, because I know what it's like coming from Belfast - no bands ever come your way.

More bands are starting to go to North Wales now which is cool. But there used to be nothing...

Tim: Same in Belfast - there's no one. So we want to try and get everywhere, hopefully, which should be a laugh.

On October 5 you'll be playing in-store shows in Virgin stores in 4 countries in one day (England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales). Was this your idea or your record company's idea?

Tim: It was ours, I think, yeah. It kind of developed out of a conversation - we just love doing stupid things like that. We're getting a jet flying between them all...

Charlotte: It's a good challenge. I think Status Quo did four...and we're going to do five, aren't we?

Tim: No, we're doing four, because we can only manage four!

Is the equipment going to be set up ready for you when you arrive there or will you have to lug it around with you?

Tim: No, it's too heavy to lug everywhere so we're hiring gear in each place - it's the only way possible.

Have you any idea how many miles you're going to be covering that day?

Tim: I don't know - shit loads!

You were special guest to Page and Plant at Reading festival last weekend. Were you there for the whole weekend or did you just go to do your show?

We stayed for the weekend.

Any particular bands you went to see and enjoyed?

Tim: Lee Scratch Perry, and the Beastie Boys...

Charlotte: New Order.

Tim: Divine Comedy.

Charlotte: Idlewild.

Tim: Royal Trux.

They played in TJs recently....

Tim: Were they amazing, yeah?

Brilliant - especially because it's such a small venue...

Tim: That's the best place to see them.

Your new video was premiered at Reading - what kind of response did it get?

Tim: I think good! It was on MTV and it gets complaints - because people are ringing up saying it makes them physically sick - they had to turn off their TV and stuff. Because it does make you totally dizzy because the whole thing is spinning round.

Charlotte: Relentless spinning...

Tim: So I think we have to do like an edit for MTV, if they're still going to play it.

You've been in videos and you've done music for soundtracks to films - have you ever been approached by anyone to do music for computer games?

Tim: Yeah - we've done Grand Turismo, we had a track on that.

Did you like any of the films you've contributed tracks to?

Tim: Yeah. Rumble in the Bronx, Jackie Chan, that's brilliant.

Are you a Jackie Chan fan generally?

Tim: Yeah, big time. And A life Less Ordinary - it got bad press but I think it's a good film, you know. People were expecting another Trainspotting, but I think they obviously wanted to do something different. I thought it was quite a nice wee film.

Do you have any input on your website at all?

Tim: We're getting more into it, actually. We're going to try and upgrade it, make it cooler.

Charlotte: Yeah, I try and check it out whenever I can...

Have you ever been involved in any online chats with any of your fans?

Tim: We've done two before, and it's always manic. It's good - well we just end up talking shit, actually. Because we get so many questions fired at you that you end up answering the funny ones and have a laugh...it's good fun.

Do you spend much time on the Internet yourselves?

Tim: We're quite into it, yeah. We're always checking it out. It's funny all the things you get into - some of the chat pages, you can't see what's going on before and one time I looked it up and there must have been some ongoing argument and the first thing I read was "Tim is NOT gay!". There were big debates about my last hair cut, and about whether Charlotte's any good or not.

Charlotte: It's a good read.

This summer in Wales we've seen a mini festival emerge, for Welsh unsigned bands and those on small labels (Miri Madoc All-Dayer). Is there anything like this for bands in Northern Ireland?

Tim: Don't really seem to be, not really. There's absolutely no record labels in Northern Ireland, not even a handful of independents. There are loads of bands, I don't know, it seems a shame - that's why so few bands get out of it...

What are the venues like in Northern Ireland - any you enjoy playing?

Tim: There's like one. Well there's a couple in Belfast, it's really very limited though.

Do you enjoy playing over here more than on your home turf?

Tim: Er, I love playing Belfast, but it is hard to start up.

Ash have features on the covers of virtually all the major UK, Irish and International music publications, and will now be on Virtual Cardiff - what do you think about this!?!

Tim: I think it's cool, it's important. It's good when people make the effort and try and do something special for the local area. Like I say I'm from Northern Ireland....and there are a few people who really do try but it's kind of hard for them to keep going....